Chapter 42

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Mhm! , you're seeing right

A double update! 😁🥳


After spending two hours going nothing I decided to go help little miss Angel in the kitchen

I entered to see her cooking dinner

I offered to help her but she kindly declined, but I still helped her anyway

"So, how long have you been here Angel?" I said, trying to make a conversation as I helped her chop carrots for the casserole

"Uh..almost three years now" she said

"Wow, really?" I asked

"Yeah" she smiled proudly as she slowly stirred the meal inside the pot

After some minutes she spoke again "I know much about him, like his favorite food and all that"

I smiled as I handed her the chopped carrots on the chopping board

"I mean, not to make you feel offended or anything but then, we are kind of close" she added as she fully turned to smile at me, it low key looked like she was trying to hide an evil smirk

I have finally concluded that most of the women Umar knows apart from the ones from his family are starting to loose their heads

I coughed awkwardly "okay?"

"There was this time I was sick and then he told me to take a day off and take care of my self, that was cute"

My head whipped and I turned to look at her

I don't think she realizes she's talking to his wife but, ok

"Oh really?" I asked feigning to be Interested when deep down she was starting to annoy me

"And I was going to fall in the pool that day when he caught me" She said dreamily

"There's a pool in this house?" I asked

"Yeah, in the backyard" she said, looking annoyed because of my interruption

"You know, I used to care about him a-..." I cut her off before she continued, I did not need to hear that

"Yeah, ok bye" I said as I exited the kitchen

I heard her hiss when I was just about to leave

I rolled my eyes, some people are just so...crazy

Now why did I need to know that?!, please!

It was as if she wanted me to know she liked him so I'll go to Umar be like 'oh, Umar, I think your maid Angel likes you, go marry her and divorce me, yay'

I was about to walk pass the living room when I bumped into him

He quickly held my shoulders before I went stumbling backwards

"What is wrong with you?" He asked when he saw my face

"Nothing" I said

He looked at me carefully for a few more seconds before he nodded once and he released my shoulders

He walked to the living room and he sat down on the Sofa facing the tv

I slowly turned and I sat at another sofa at the side

I was about to turn to the tv when I remembered something

I kept looking at him wondering if I should talk to him about what Aliya told me that day

I didn't notice I was looking at him for too long until he spoke


I shook my head and i looked away

"Come here" I heard him say

Well, this is going to be harder that I thought

I stood up with a sigh and walked to where he was seated

I sat down beside him

I suddenly felt an arm around my waist, I looked up to see Umar pulling me closer to him

"Tell me what is wrong with you?" he asked

I swallowed, what was I even thinking, I was actually nervous, his own dad tried to convince him but he didn't listen, why the hell would he listen to me

He chuckled when he saw my facial expression and he leaned down and he placed a small peck on my jaw line "Don't be scared, tell me"

That was so unlike Umar, but I wasn't complaining

I quickly held his face in my hands before butterflies erupt my tummy and I won't even get to talk

"I want to talk to you about Aliya" I said

"What about her?" He asked

This is probably going to make him angry

"It's about her going to school, I-" the way his grip tightened on my waist made me keep quiet for a few seconds

"-I think she should be allowed to go to a real school Umar" I said

I finally looked up to see his reaction

His normal frown was etched on his face and any light that was in eyes earlier was gone

I refused to let my mind drift to how handsome he looked right now


"Umar, think about it"

"Hameeda" he warned

"Please, it'll make her so happy, she wants to live like a normal child, please don't take that away from her, what ever it is that is stopping you, let it go"

Those words seemed to make him angry because he stood up and he left

Like he literally left the house

This most have definitely been a soft topic for him, I felt so bad

I sighed and Angel suddenly came out of the kitchen door

"Did sir just leave?" She asked

I nodded, not in the mood to talk to her

"Oh no, and he didn't eat dinner, I hope he doesn't get hungry" she said

"Then why don't you follow him and go feed him yourself" I said before I stood up and I walked to my room


Yes a double update!

I knowww! 🙈 I'm the best! ☺️😆😆

You guys honestly deserved it 😂

I'm sorry they're both short tho 😂🏃🏾‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed it

This Angel sha 🤣🚶🏾‍♀️

What do you think is keeping Umar from allowing Aliya to go to a real school?


Love, M❕

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