Chapter 28

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I actually didn't plan on dancing too much, but that didn't seem to be the idea on my friends and cousins minds

They made me dance until I couldn't feel my feet

Everyone was spraying money while Rabi'ah was trying to collect them from the ground

Such a good girl

After I went back upstairs it was 4:30

And well, that was when everyone started rushing up and down

I was dragged to Aunty's room and I prayed

Then I forced them to clean the make up because there was no way anyone was 'retouching' my face anymore

The make up was cleaned and I washed my face and it was natural again

Rabi'ah applied a colored lip balm to my lips before Rumaisa came in with my second outfit and my jewelries

It was a skirt and blouse lace, it was white and designs of gold on it

And I had to be honest, this Stephanie girl was a very good tailor

I instantly fell in love with the outfit

I slipped into it and I wore my necklace and earring before I packed my hair with a band

The makeup artist who was still around tied my head tie

Aunty came in with a gold lafaya which was perfumed with turanan wuta

I wore my white sandals and Aunty began to tie the lafaya around me

She kept it on my head without covering my face

Immediately I stepped out of Aunty's room flashes were everywhere, the photographers, my friends, and even people I've never met before in my life

I closed my eyes shut and Aunty led me downstairs

I was taken to baba's living room and I sat down in the middle of the carpet

Baba did his own talk, some of my older uncles spoke, and some of Baba's friends spoke

I was actually surprised that I actually listened to what they were saying despite the loud beating of my heart

I smiled when my favorite was speaking Uncle Faisal, he was the youngest of my mother's brothers
You'll think he's my brother not my uncle

"All I have to say is, you have to be patient, live with him in peace just like you see your Father living with your Mother" he said

I smiled at him and he smiled back

I loved how he called Aunty my mother, because she was indeed my mother

After everyone was done speaking Umar's Aunties were waiting for me in Aunty's living room

Ya Abdul hugged me on our way to the living room and that was when I started crying

He tried to calm me down but it only made me cry harder

He finally released me and he walked away

I knew he didn't want me to see his red eyes

Just before we entered the living room I felt Aunty closing my face

Mine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora