Chapter 12: War

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The bannermen were called the moment that Ned Stark was arrested for treason. When everyone was getting ready to leave, Robb and Ella had an argument. An argument that would change their relationship forever for the better.

“You will stay here.” Robb told her. “War is no place for a woman.”

“Your mother is going.” Sansa, Bran, Arya, and Rickon were staying behind; a Stark must always be at Winterfell.

“To make nice with the Riverlords.” Robb told her.

“This war is for me. I am not leaving your side. I want to help plan this, I am smart, Robb. Let me help.” Ella told him. “I am your wife and I will not leave your side.”

“I don’t want you getting hurt.” He told her. 

“And I don’t want you getting hurt either, but war is what it is. No one will be who they were by the end of this. We will all be broken in some way, but my mind will stay intact.” She told him. “Let me do this. I will not let you go without me.”

“Ella,” He grabbed the tops of her arms. “Don’t do this. I don’t know what I would do if you were hurt or killed. Men are beasts in battle.”

“Robb, I love you, but don’t act like I am helpless; we both know that I am not.”

Robb froze. “What?” 

Ella tilted her head to the side in confusion. “I am not helpless--”

“No, before that.”

Ella blushed, realizing it was the first time she said that she loved him aloud. She did not look away from him. “I love you. You will not leave me behind.”

He kissed her passionately, pulling her body to his before pulling away. “I love you.” He told her, resting her forehead against hers. 

“So I am coming? No more arguing?” She asked.

“If you promise me two things.”


“Jon will stay with you, and make sure you are safe.”

“If he agrees to. I can be rather annoying, you know.”

“And if you get pregnant, at the first sign of it, you return to Winterfell. No arguing.” He said. “We cannot risk another child’s health.”

She nodded. “I can agree with those terms.”


The army camp was bustling, it had taken two weeks for the march to the Twins, and now Walder Frey was the only thing stopping them from using the bridge. 

“We need to get him on our side.” Ella stated. “He could add at least five thousand men to our numbers.”

“He is a dangerous man.” Catelyn told her. 

“But it’s the quickest way to get to King’s Landing.” Ella stated. “The least we can do is talk with him. If we ignore him, he will upset by that. We are probably going to offend him no matter what we do.”

“Have you ever met Walder Frey?”

Ella shook her head. “No, but I heard my father complain about him on the way to Winterfell. He just married someone younger than I am.”

“Not for the first time, I’m afraid.” Catelyn said. “And he has even more children than you can believe.”

“How many people will we have to marry off?” Ella asked, knowing what the older woman meant. 

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