Chapter 26: Learn to Live Without

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Ella awoke after three days, weak, but gaining strength. She ate everything that they gave to her, and they all decided that she needed to get the good news before they reported to her who had died in the battle.

“You’re son will be here in two weeks.” Jon promised her as he visited her one night after working all day on rebuilding the country. “Tywin is surrounded in Casterly Rock, but they have to come out sometime.”

Ella nodded. “And Tyrion? Where is he?”

“In a cell. Don’t worry. Your family will only go to trial when you are around. Daenerys told me that the Kingslayer will be dealt with last since he is still in Riverrun.”

Ella let out a breath. “I will speak on Tyrion’s behalf. And Jaime’s.”

“I know, and so does Dany. Which is why we’re letting you rest up.” Jon told her. “I take it you won’t speak on Joffery’s?”

“Of course not.” Ella said. “Did you not see the amount of heads on the wall? That is more than I have ever seen before. It’s sick.”

“Can we do that one without you?” Jon asked.

“No. I would still like to be there to watch.” She frowned. “I feel so weak.” 

“You’re not. You were poisoned, and almost died, it just takes some recovery time.” Jon told her. “You will be fine in a few weeks.”

Ella looked away. “Renly hasn’t come to visit me.” 

It was Jon’s turn to frown now. “No.”

“Where is he?”

No answer.

“Where is he?” Ella asked again, her voice harder this time.



“He died.” Jon told her. “When he got to the room where Joffery locked himself in, he was the first one through the door, and Joffery shot an arrow through his neck.”

Ella licked her lips slowly, and squeezed her eyes shut. She was going to cry any moment. “Did he suffer?” It was a stupid question. She knew he choked on his own blood.

“No.” Jon lied anyway.

Yet a tear still fell from Ella’s cheek. “Who else is dead? I know Stannis isn’t.”

“Many of his men are.” Jon told her. “Many Frey men are dead. We didn’t lose as many as the Lannister’s did.”

“Who else is dead? Who do I love that is dead?”

“Besides your brother?” Jon asked. “Tommen has been put in the tomb while you were asleep. Your mother as well.”

Ella raised her hands to cover her face. “I killed my mother.” She realized.

“And she almost killed you. Let’s call it even, shall we?” Jon said. “Don’t feel guilty, you were protecting yourself.”

“I’m a kinslayer.” She whispered. 

Jon sighed, sitting next to her, and pulling her hands from her face easily; she wasn’t as strong as she once was. “You are not. She is the kinslayer. She is the one that made you do it. She poisoned you and choked you. There are still bruises on your neck, Ella.”

“She didn’t squeeze hard enough for me to stop breathing.” Ella told him. “Was the arrow truly poisoned?”

Jon nodded. “It was.”

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