chapter four

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Cool Kids - Echosmith


Tuesday 28th May, 2019

The last two weeks went by without a hitch.

Everything was smooth. Flowing. Great.

In fact, maybe a little too great. I couldn't help worrying something was around the corner. For me, life had always been mundane, so to be expecting something to happen felt strange. Maybe I was just being paranoid.

Or maybe, my jitters were completely rational. Maybe it was all due to the fact one pair of eyes followed me everywhere. Dark, watchful. Like a laser on my back.

It was getting tiring, trying to ignore Julian. Trying not to look at him.

I sat on my chair in English. Brendan beamed up at me. He'd been amazing these past two weeks; even dragging me out to eat with him and his friends at lunch. Slowly, living here was becoming less painful.

"Hi," I mumbled. Today, I felt dismal.

"Hi?" Brendan shuffled closer. "You okay?"

"I have no money!" I blew, throwing hands in the air. "I want to go into town. Like, the arcades and movies and diners. But I have no money!"

"Can't you ask your parents?"

"I'm seventeen. Freebie money stopped two years ago."

"Can't you get a job?"

"Not a proper one," I scowled. "My parents want me to mainly focus on work."

"So they've got you on permanent house arrest, but are hiding it with rules?"

I nodded sadly.

"Okay. . ." Brendan's shoulders slumped, and suddenly his goatee was next to my chin. "I'll tell you my secret to money-earning, but I like it kept quiet."

"No drugs."

"Drugs?" He sputtered. "No! No drugs."

"Okay," I said, curious. "What is it?"

His voice dropped dramatically. "Tutoring."


He nodded enthusiastically, straight blonde hair flopping. "Yes. I tutor art, because that's the only thing I'm good at. But you - you're incredible at English."

"So you're saying I should tutor English?"

"Yup. Loads of kids in this school need the help, but they won't go to old tutors. They think it's lame. But young tutors they don't mind - put up an ad."


"Yeah. I guarantee you'll get snatched up."

My eyes were bright with new hope. I wouldn't mind doing that, not at all. With the right person, it could even be fun. "Okay, I will. Thanks Brendan."

"Ni problema, amiga."

"Do you need an English tutor by any chance?"

He laughed loudly. "Nice try, but no. I have you for free in lessons."

"I guess you're right," I smiled widely.

At the end of the lesson, I walked with Brendan, promising that as soon as I got my first pay cheque, we'd go out and celebrate. Burgers and milkshakes, he said.

Excitement, real excitement, stirred inside me for the first time since my arrival. We joined his other friends, who were quickly becoming mine too, on the grass outside. I felt strangely grateful as I looked at the five faces around me, especially to Brendan. I'd have to repay him sometime for his kindness.

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