chapter forty-five

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author's note -

so.. i'm barely containing myself because we hit 1k babies!!

i am so beyond happy, and want to thank each and every one of you for becoming a part of this story and this family. . . i love you so so much.

i'm delivering an extra long chapter just as a thank you. enjoy and please vote my bbies!! <3

Higher - Taio Cruz


Friday 2nd August, 2019

I screamed out when the crowd enveloped me, blotting Julian completely out of view.

The attacker's nails dug into my waist so viciously I yelled, feeling the hot pain in my ribs.

"Shut up," I heard the voice hiss in my ear, and I squirmed - my panicked movements blended with everyone else's on the dance floor, and I thrashed, kicking out.

He dragged me roughly, and as dancing vampyres passed me, I tried to grab onto them, but it was no use--

Something above me caught my eye, and my mouth dropped open when I realised what it was.

Julian had leaped into the air, soaring over everyone's heads like an avenging angel, before falling fast. . . My head caught up, and I knew where he was going to land with seconds to spare; I threw myself out of the way just in time.

Julian landed in a crouch next to me; there were gasps from the crowd, and they shuffled backward, leaving a circle of space around us.

He stood, black curls falling into his eyes, and growled, "take your fucking hands off her."

I mustered up the strength, and rammed my heel into the attacker's shin. It was enough to loosen his hold on me slightly, and I spun away.

Right then, two more burst onto the scene - they were easily recognisable - every other dancer was dressed for the club, with styled hair and perfect make-up. These. . . pets were like scavengers, with blood-crusted mouths and ratty clothes.

My stomach dropped - how many of them were there?

There was a brief moment, where all that could be heard was the beat of the music, while every other vampyre stared at what looked like a showdown.

Julian shifted slightly, bending into a hunting stance. The other three challengers did the same - Julian's top lip drew back, baring teeth, before he moved.

It was so fast - one moment, they were squaring up to each other, and the next, Julian's leg was in the air, boot connecting with the vampyre's face.

He stumbled back, lip bleeding, but shot toward Julian with his claws raised like he hadn't just been subjected to a hefty roundhouse kick.

As they fought, the other two were closing in with predatory grins.

My mouth opened to warn Julian, but a hand came over my mouth from behind. Panicked, I screamed into it.

"This brings memories back, doesn't it, darling?" Bleu's raspy voice was next to me. I relaxed immediately. "Stay out of the way. Let us handle this."

His hand came away, Daniel and Carter joined him, moving into the circle. While I was distracted, another attacker had entered the fight.

I blinked, and when I looked again, they were all fighting. It was a dizzying blur of twists and punches, stumbles and kicking.

I looked wildly to Julian, and saw a dead vampyre at his feet - the one who'd dragged me away - with a dark, wet lump next to him. . .

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