chapter forty

72 8 18

Song: Lines, bülow

Monday 29th July, 2019

I was limping out of school with Brendan.

It had been a hectic day - or maybe I just thought it'd been busy, because for the past three weeks I'd spent my time bedridden, with Julian doing almost everything for me. I was glad to be back on my feet, or crutch, doing things for myself and participating in lessons. My brain felt like mush.

My friends made a very welcoming reception - a few of them had visited me, but it was good to catch up and hug them - awkwardly, on my part.

Amy hadn't mentioned anything about me borrowing hooker clothes on the night of the accident, and for that I was so grateful I wanted to thank her, but bringing it up might provoke questions.

The car park was chaotic straight after school, with everyone bustling and desperate to get home. The air was dry, the sun hot as it shone down.

We stopped outside.

"How was you first day back, then?" Brendan asked, straight blond hair flopping into his eyes.

I grinned, "good." Gesturing to the crutch under my arm, I rolled my eyes, "it'll be easier when I get rid of this."

He laughed, but it seemed nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He ran a hand through his hair, "yeah, I'm fine."


"Hey, Brooke. . ." He kicked some grass with the beaten toe of his red converse. "We didn't really have a chance to chat today, did we?"

I chewed on my lip, "not really."

"Do you want to hang out?"

I stared at him, and my mind immediately went to Julian - my heart was already starting to ache, and I hadn't seen him all day. . .

But then I got a grip of myself. Since when was I the clingy type? And since when was I the kind of girl to blow off her friends for her boyfriend? I could do without Jule for a couple more hours. And I had missed Brendan. . .

"Yeah, sure!" I beamed at him, adjusting my grip on the crutch. "Movie at mine? We can order pizza?"

I watched his face light up, blue eyes wide with excitement. "Really? That'd be great."

"No problem," I said. "Could you give me a minute, though? I have to make a call."

Brendan frowned, "do you already have plans? I don't want to interrupt--"

"No," I shook my head, feeling a pinch of guilt. "I just need to cancel a lift home."

"Oh," Brendan brightened up, "I'll leave you be, then. See you in a minute."

"Thanks," I mumbled, nerves already snaking around in my stomach. I knew Julian didn't like Brendan, but I'd been with Julian so much recently; I did need balance, even if I didn't particularly want it. . .

I shook my head quickly. No. I did want it. I wanted balance.

My head turned to look behind me, to the spot we'd parked at in the morning, different to where he usually was. I squinted, confused, when the classic was nowhere to be seen.

There was a booming laughter from the corner of the lot, and I careened around to see Bleu in the middle of the cars, fag in hand, with three others.

I narrowed my eyes at Julian, sitting on the hood of his car, in his usual parking space, blowing smoke into the sky. No doubt he'd rammed some other car out of the way when I left before school. Such a caveman.

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