chapter forty-three

72 8 13

The One - Kylie Minogue


Monday 29th July, 2019

There were many reasons why people couldn't know about me and Julian being together.

Firstly, his Father was after me. The recent lack of attacks was worrying Julian, but he was banking on his Father not knowing we were together. It would make everything more dangerous, and Julian's betrayal might push him over the edge. . .

Secondly, I didn't need any more attention drawn to me. Julian wasn't known for having girlfriends, only girls, so me being his girlfriend. . . I would have become a beacon.

And the third reason was: I was scared. Julian didn't know about that - he wouldn't understand. I found it hard to believe he looked at me and thought of me as anything other than plain, but to my eyes it was obvious: Julian's league was miles higher than mine.

To everyone else's eyes it would be obvious, too.

So when Amy asked me, the immediate reaction was for me to say, "what? No!"

Amy's eyes narrowed. "You're lying."

"I'm not! What are you talking about?"

She crossed her arms over a neon green mesh top, as I sweated out in front of her, leaning on my crutch for support.

"Why are you lying?" She demanded.

"Why do you think I'm lying?"

Amy rolled her eyes, "Brooke, please. Julian starts coming to school with a girl, parking in a different space? You expect people not to pay attention?"

I licked my dry lips. "We're just friends."

"Do friends make out in the car?"

I stared at her.

"Well?" She prodded. "Do they?"

My head spun; I saw no way out of it, there was no more room left for denial. Students passed by, gawking. I pushed my hair back, distressed. "No," I muttered eventually. "They don't."

"Jesus, Brooke." Amy leaned back on the wall. "Why did I have to take out the evidence card to get you to spit it out?"

"I'm sorry."

"So you're together?"

I nodded; my mouth felt like sandpaper. I waited for her reaction, shaking with nerves.

Abruptly, a wide, delighted smile spread across her face, and she started clapping her hands together. "That's awesome!"

"It is?"

"Yes! Excellent!"

"But. . ." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

Amy chewed on her lip thoughtfully. "Julian's always been a wild card. Too many girls, too much smoking and booze. It's about time someone like you came along to straighten him out."

"Straighten him out?" Despite the stress, I laughed. "Oh no, nobody straightens Julian out."

Amy stared, "I suppose someone like him will always have an edge. . . Never mind, I want to hear everything!"

"Amy," I swallowed thickly, noticing the empty hallway. "We need to get to class."

"Oh, class!" She looked around. "Right, I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

I nodded, and watched as she flitted away, before collapsing against the wall, exhausted.

Two hours later, I was sat on the toilet, staring up at Amy.

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