chapter thirty-seven

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author's note -

hi bbies!!

i hope you're all doing well, and i just want to thank each and every one of you who have stayed with this story so far - it means the world to me, and i'm so grateful. hopefully you'll stay for much more drama to come.

when i first started writing this book, this chapter was the one i looked forward to writing the most. i'm so excited for you all to read it, and i hope you like it.

i love you so much!! ahh, i'm nervous!! proceed. . .


Friday 4th July, 2019


3 hours earlier. . .

Amy tip-toed into my room, glancing around it like she was on a foreign planet. She flicked her pink-streaked hair over one shoulder, and grinned. "This is your room, alright."

I laughed, "I need to paint the green walls."

"I like them," Amy sunk down on the end of the bed. "Reminds me of a rainforest."

"Great. That's exactly what I want."

She snorted.

"Did you bring it?" I asked carefully, and sat next to her on the bed.

"Yes," she held up a black duffel bag with some kind of anime character on the front, and chucked it at me. "There you go, weirdo."

"Thanks, Amy." I said, and opened it up eagerly. I'd texted her last night, asking if I could borrow some clothes. And of course, she'd delivered. I pawed in it, and brought out a short, off-the-shoulder dress in midnight black, fish-net tights and a pair of combat boots. There was a nervous pinch in my stomach, but I told myself I could do it.

I could prove to that arrogant dick that I belonged in his world. That I could handle myself.

"But. . ." I mumbled, "I'm bigger than you. Will it fit?"

Amy took it off me, stretched it. "It's stretchy. You'll just look curvier. That's a good thing."

"Is it?"


I smiled at her, grateful. The new piercing in her lip moved when she returned it. "What's this all for anyway, Brooke? This isn't your usual. . . Style."

I looked down, "it's to prove a point."

"What kind of point?"

"One that needs to be enforced."

She shifted on the bed, angling herself to face me. I didn't look up. "Look at me, babe," she demanded.

I met her eyes, and they were wide, scanning mine. I tried not to look guilty. "Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't," I lied.

Relieved, Amy leant back. "Fabulous. Do you need help getting ready?"

I nodded, and she dragged the chair from my desk in front of the mirror, uncaringly rooting through my make-up; thankfully, my parents were out with that couple they'd met in church again, so I was clear to go out looking like a stripper.

I winced at the thought - I knew this wasn't me, but I just wanted to throw it in Julian's face, let him know I wasn't his bitch, and then leave. But I knew it was going to hurt - despite all of the anger I felt toward him and his undying arrogance, my heart still pounded when I saw him, and I still lay awake at night thinking about his arms around me.

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