Dear Wise Mind...

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Wise Mind is that place where reasonable mind and emotion mind overlap. It is the integration of emotion mind and reasonable mind. Linehan states, "Wise mind is that part of each person that can know and experience truth. It is where the person knows something to be true or valid. › html


Dear Wise Mind,

I know it's ok to love. To be loved and to love others. Yet, I'm afraid. I thought I could never love again and sometimes I have to ask myself, do I really love that person or am I just in love with being in love? The age old adage... I just want to stop over analyzing and giving myself anxiety. Because I think I love him.

Him is not important. Just know, he's a dear friend and I've never met anyone like him. I don't know if he loves me, we don't talk of these things. We talk about my health and well being and he'll tell me some tidbits of his family. I like hearing those stories. I'm not jealous he has a family and I feel like I don't. I'm just happy he is loved, even if it can't be from me.

Its hard to have a relationship when you're chronically ill with a mental health quirk to boot. It makes me not trust people because I've had experiences where they said they'd be there for me and then they just disappeared. Or I disappeared because they weren't healthy for me. Its easier to be alone but a catch 22 because I want to have a forever person. Or at least a right here, right now, in the moment person...forever.

He is my right here and now and I know forever is far from tangible. So I focus. I'll focus. On what it is and what we have and he'll continue to heal my heart, because it seems to me he has taken that role. Willingly. I don't know why, but I'm absolutely grateful and I tell him so often. Its the only way I can say I love you to him. I wonder if he's figured that out yet. I'm glad I finally did.

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