Dear Trolls...

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Nice try, Sweetheart. Your negative reaction to my opinion is the biggest reflection on you and what you need to work on within yourself. I don't comment to make anyone happy, unless I'm genuinely trying to make someone feel better. Otherwise, why does my opinion offend you so? Because it's different from yours?

Well guess what, Cupcake, I AM different from you!

I AM ME! And sometimes I make a joke, that doesn't always land well with others. That's cool. I don't like Rick and Morty, you don't see me trying to make other people who do watch it, dislike it as I do. I could care less. Ok, it's actually a good show but it's too much for my senses so it's difficult for me to watch.

My point is, South Park is still on the air. So is Family Guy and The Simpson's. Their humor is self deprecating at best yet people still watch it and enjoy it. For those who don't like it, skip comedy central whenever the show airs. No point in making yourself upset about something you can't control. You can't control people's opinions. Sorry Buttercup, it just doesn't work that way.

Xoxo Lula the Bad-Ass Troll Slayer

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