Dear Endo Belly...

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I am not feeling you right now. Like, I really wish I didn't feel so uncomfortably bloated to the point I want to vomit and shit at same time. The skin of my already chubby belly, has stretched out to fricking pregnant proportions. It won't go down. It hurts and it's a pain in the fucking ass literally because my poops have been coming out slow yet strong if that makes sense.

TMI! But Fuck it...

I hurt and I need a hug yet I don't want to be touched because so help me God I'll punch someone. That's the bullshit with endometriosis. Since I've recently become somewhat sexually active again, I've made an appointment for my yearly gyno check up. I'm almost tempted to ask about birth control but since I've tried the Mirena IUD, I'm having major trust issues with them.

I've heard of Orlissa and as usual if you listen really closely to the commercial, it sounds like the side effects are worse than the symptoms that its supposed to be treating. And it's not even birth control. Ugh what can I do to make this icky pain go away? I got my cruciferous veggies baking in the oven with chicken and I don't have an appetite to eat it. Have to smoke more weed for that and the pain. Can't complain there tho.

I guess I'm cranky and annoyed but I just put on The Godfather to cheer me up...because I'm gangsta like that lol. Something peaceful about watching fictional violence. Yeah it's that hide and rest and live in our fantasy world kind of day because I for one am not trying to pay attention to what's going on out there in the real world. Imma just stay my ass home and try to ignore the hoopla and pandemonium.

If Y2K, the Ebola virus, SARS, MRSA or west Nile virus didn't destroy all of humanity, I'm feeling pretty good about my odds of survival and I'm fucking immunosuppressed. But my stomach hurts and I think its because I stopped being gluten free. That's the real killer. That's why my stomach hurts. Damn bread. It'll destroy us all!

In the meantime, I think the drugs are starting to kick in so, Yaaaay! Hopefully I won't poop myself or get constipated. I just want to chill the fuck out and watch Luca Brasi get ambushed. And always, always remember this piece of advice... leave the gun, take the canolli's.

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