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One week later...

Over the past week, I've noticed I haven't been having nightmares as awful as the ones in the past. I can't explain why, but I'm not complaining. I can actually get some much-needed rest now.

Thanatos has been ignoring me for a week. Not that I mind; I dread conversing with him. Ever since we were assigned to roles in the Underworld, he's been pining after my position as ruler. My guess is that he doesn't understand that I'm one of the "Big Three" gods and that I am and will always be more powerful than he is.

Now that I'm awake, I get dressed for the day. As usual, I wear my black clothing and simply run a comb through my dark hair. The dark circles underneath my eyes aren't as visible now, but if one were to care enough to look, they would be visible. I sigh and exit my bedroom.

Passing the kitchen, the aroma of porridge fills my nose. I haven't eaten anything since the previous morning.

"Good morning, Lord Hades!" A servant in the kitchen wipes his hands on his musty apron. "Would porridge be suitable for your breakfast?"

I nod, entering the kitchen. I never understood why I've ever needed such a large kitchen, or a castle, for that matter. The only ones who reside here are myself and around a dozen servants. There's no need for a kitchen the size of a ballroom. 

Gods, there's no need for a ballroom, either. In all the centuries I've spent in the Underworld, I haven't used the ballroom once. I never even look at it; it's on the other side of my castle, collecting dust. Who would I host a ball for, dead mortals? That would be dreadfully boring.

The servant offers me a tray of porridge and a chalice of water, complete with some apple slices on the side. I thank him before trudging to the throne room, which is just as large as every other room in his castle. Why? I couldn't tell you. Only troubled, dead souls enter this room to ask for mercy, to ask for a second chance at living, or to ask questions about the afterlife.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't pity these souls, begging for their lives back. It also reminds me of when it was decided that I would rule the Underworld. I was furious that Zeus and Poseidon got to rule over the ocean, earth, and sky. But Zeus calmed me down by telling me that these dead mortals would be my subjects. Now, a few centuries later, I take pride in collecting subjects. I'm not cruel to them by any means. In fact, they practically chose their own fate when they were alive.

After lazily sitting in my throne of embers for a while, one of my servants rushes in. "Lord Hades! Zeus is hosting another meeting on Olympus tonight!"

I sit up and roll my eyes. "Why would he do that? We had a meeting last week."

The servant steps closer to the throne. "Demeter's daughter is coming of age tonight and will become a goddess at sundown."

"Demeter has a daughter?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. "Since when?"

"Eighteen years ago, Master," he answers curtly. "If I remember correctly, her name is Kore."

"Hmm, I've never heard of her." I stand from my throne. "Perfect reason not to attend. I don't know the girl, so why should I go?"

"Should I inform Zeus that you will not attend, then?" the servant asks, already walking out of the throne room.

"Yes, tell him that the Underworld is swamped with dead mortals who need assigned to their final resting place," I inform the servant. He nods vigorously and rushes out of the throne room. I sigh of relief; I hate traveling to Olympus. There's no need for me to watch as yet another minor goddess gains her abilities.

A little after talking with the servant, there's a knock on the throne room doors. "Come in," I demand.

In enters Zeus, much to my disbelief. I don't remember the last time he was in the Underworld. He stomps in, his expensive robes trailing the floor behind him. His white beard is combed to perfection. Zeus' presence screams attention. He's always been like this, trying to control everyone in every room he enters.

"What is it?" I ask, my cheek resting against my fist on the arm of my throne.

Zeus rolls his eyes. "Are you forgetting that every Olympian must be present when a god or goddess gains their abilities?"

"That's what you came for?" I ask, almost chuckling. Almost. "You've never been to the Underworld, and the one time you do, it's for something as minor as this?"

"Word travels fast, Hades. It's my daughter who's becoming a goddess this evening," he informs me.

"Wouldn't be the first. How many children do you have, again? Pardon me for not knowing the exact number. Perhaps a hundred?" I retort lazily.

Zeus' pale face turns as red as an apple at my response. "Do not test me, Hades. I will throw you into Tartarus, just like I threw Father there."

"With my help, you did."

Zeus narrows his eyes, his face even redder than before. "Hades!" he yells in my face. "You will come to the ceremony! I have had it with you missing out on important events like these. You need to be there. If not, I will take your position as King of the Underworld."

I lean back in my throne. "Fine, if it means that much to you. I'll go." I point to the doors. "Now leave."

Zeus exits and I sigh of relief when the door closes behind him. I wish he wasn't given as much power as he has; he truly doesn't deserve it. He abuses his power time and time again. How Hera puts up with him, I'll never know.

"Is there anything you need, Lord Hades?" a servant asks me. I notice I've been clenching my fists tightly. Little crescent moons are engraved into the palms of my hands.

"Round up my horses. It seems as though I will be returning to Olympus."

Sorry it took so long for me to update! Since school started, I'm involved in sports, work, and have lots of homework. I'll update when I can. Please enjoy this chapter. It was fun to write this one. Don't forget to vote and comment! Also, would you like me to come up with a cast list for these characters to give you an idea of what I believe they'd look like?

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