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Sun shines through my window, allowing me to wake up peacefully and without ingratitude. I sit up in my bed, stretch my arms, and swing my legs to one side of the mattress. My cold feet graze the cold floor, and I cringe a little at the unwelcome feeling.

Eventually, I skip out to the kitchen where Mother is slicing up some apples and figs. "Good morning, my flower."

"Good morning, Mother!" I reply cheerfully as I take a seat at the table. 

She places a bowl of fruit in front of me. "Fresh from the garden yesterday. I need to deliver the rest of the harvest to the humans this morning."

I begin chewing on the sweet fruit. "They told me that they loved the figs we grew last week."

She nods. "They're always so kind, aren't they?" Mother sits across from me. "Are you going to the Underworld to work today?"

I nod excitedly. "Yes!"

She sighs and rubs her head. "I want you to talk to Hades as little as possible."

"But, Mother--"

"No!" she demands sharply. "Do not argue with me. I'm letting you do this, so you had better abide by my rules!"

I shrink back in my seat, biting my tongue. Oh, the things I want to say. I'm an adult now that I have my powers. I could easily ask to live on Olympus and be granted permission to do so. But I don't. I love my mother and don't want to hurt her.  I would never.

"Yes, Mother," I sigh.

"Good." She stands from her seat and grabs some large wicker baskets full of figs and other fruits. "Now, I will be delivering these to the mortals. Don't mess up in the Underworld. Don't embarrass me. Goodbye."

When she leaves, I get dressed and braid my hair. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and sigh. I desperately wish I could do as I please without feeling so guilty all the time. I hate feeling so guilty all the time, especially when I genuinely enjoy doing things like helping others. The Underworld needs me to do this. Mother makes me feel guilty. She always does.

I shake my head. "You have a task to complete," I whisper to myself. "You're going to revive the garden in the Underworld."

I make my way to one of the entrances of the Underworld. After I enter, I hug myself to keep myself warm; a cool breeze constantly drifts through the air here. The crimson sky watches me as I make my way to Hades's castle; a blatant disregard of Mother's rules. She'll never know if I talked to Hades or not.

On my way to the castle, I spot bored Cerberus sitting near the gates. When he sees me, his tail starts wagging. Laughing, I make my way over to him to scratch his belly. "Hey there, Cerberus. Do you want something to eat?"

I pull out my lunch and offer him a peanut butter and fig jelly sandwich made with fresh bread made by Mother. Cerberus eats it up and licks me in approval. I giggle and wipe the saliva off of me.

After saying goodbye to Cerberus, I cross the bridge leading to the castle doors.

I knock on the door and a small servant answers. "You must be Persephone!"

"Yes!" I reply. "And what is your name?"

"I'm Theseus," he replies with a smile. "It's been so long since someone asked my name."

"Well, that's a shame. You have a wonderful name." 

"Thank you, Persephone! You're too kind. Please, come in. Hades mentioned that you would be coming today," he says as he extends the door opening a little more. "He's in his throne room. No dead mortals yet today, so you should be able to walk right in."

Abaddon: The Story of Persephone and HadesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora