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Two days later...

I've had to work in the meadow since Artemis hasn't talked to Mother yet. The sun beats down on me, something that I used to find relaxing, but now I view it as a burden. I keep telling myself that hopefully soon, I won't have to grow seemingly endless vines filled with grapes with Mother practically breathing down my neck.

When the sun sets, Mother and I walk back to the cottage. On the way, I keep wondering if Hades is concerned that I haven't been to the Underworld in a few days. I shake my head at the thought; of course, Hades isn't thinking of me. He's a King, and obviously he is very busy.

"Daughter, you have been acting odd lately. Is there something wrong?" Mother asks behind me as I'm carrying a bulky basket of apples and figs. We'll be giving this food to the mortals tomorrow morning for a nutritious breakfast.

I don't answer right away. I thoughtfully consider what I should reply, but nothing I say could possibly change her mind about me working in the Underworld. "Nothing is wrong."

She doesn't answer. I spot the cottage in the distance with someone in front, waiting for Mother's and my arrival. "What is Artemis doing here? If she needs more figs, I just grew some."

We approach her and she greets us, then helps Mother and me carry in the large baskets of fruit. My heart hammers; she's going to strike a deal with Mother concerning me working in the Underworld's garden.

"What brings you here, Artemis?" Mother asks, closing the squeaky door shut. My heart leaps to my throat as Artemis gives me a sly grin.

"Well, I have a deal to offer you," she starts. Mother nods in encouragement. "Persephone wants to work in Hades's garden—"

Mother groans. "I said no," she interrupts.

Artemis steps up to Mother in a respectful manner. "Demeter, you must hear me out."

"Very well. Continue."

"As I was saying, Persephone would like to work in the Underworld. Now, I know you're against it, but I have an idea. She can join my Amazon Warriors and remain pure for eternity. She will not be able to have any relations with a man," Artemis proposes. "Persephone will train to be a warrior once a week, she will work in the Underworld during the days and return home at dusk."

Mother tilts her head to the side. "And she won't be able to be with a man?"

Artemis shakes her head. "No. She will become part of a sisterhood in which men aren't tolerated."

My stomach clenches. Yes, I'll be able to work where I want if my mother accepts this deal, but I'd be giving up a future with any men and children.

Mother nods in consideration. "Hmm. I think that's an intelligent deal. Persephone, what do you think?"

I bite my lip. "I'll never be able to be with a man?" I repeat, as if the answer would change. "No children?"

Artemis shakes her head. "No, but you'll have strong and supportive women by your side for eternity!"

Mother rubs her chin. "Is there an initiation process?"

"Yes!" Artemis answers. "Unfortunately, Persephone has missed the deadline for this year to be initiated, but if she trains in the meantime for next year's initiation, she will fit right in with the other warriors."

"That sounds wonderful. I accept the deal," Mother announces with a smile.

I offer Artemis a half-hearted grin. I didn't realize this deal would be sacrificing any chance of me ever being a wife or a mother. On the other hand, I can work in the Underworld without my mother breathing down my neck.

Oh, the sacrifices.

"Wonderful!" Artemis exclaims. "Thank you, Demeter. I'm sure Persephone will be a wonderful addition to my fierce warriors."

"She has always been on the innocent spectrum. It's always concerned me; what if someone were to try to harm her? She wouldn't know how to defend herself," Mother agrees. "Thank you for stopping by, Artemis. Take a bag of figs on your way out! They're fresh from the meadow today."

"I will gladly do so. Goodbye, Persephone and Demeter!" Artemis swiftly reaches for a burlap sack filled with figs, and the door closes behind her.

"Oh, Persephone, this will be such a wonderful opportunity for you!" Mother exclaims. "And I don't have to ever worry about a man intruding into your life."

"Yes... wonderful," I sigh, then stand up and trudge to my bedroom. The only image popping into my mind is Hades's kind face with his dashing smile.

I sit up in bed. "You did it, though," I whisper to myself. "You're free from working with your mother. That's a huge accomplishment."

Sighing, I fall back into my pile of pillows and try to forget about the fact that I have to train to be an actual Amazon Warrior.

You're in for a wild ride, Persephone.

My lovelies! I've had midterms, I've been moving to a new house, and I've been sick. My apologies for not updating—you all deserve consistent updates, and I'm sorry I can't always provide that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter; don't be too discouraged about Persephone's dilemma ;) Dont forget to vote and comment, and, as always, thank you for reading!

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