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While Hades is gone, Artemis guides me to his castle. I've never been to the Underworld, but now that I'm here, I find it very intriguing and different compared to the life I'm used to living.

I've always wondered about the Underworld. I didn't expect it to be this nice, though. I was expecting fiery pits while deceased mortals wailed in misery. On the contrary, the Underworld seems peaceful. The sky is the shade of crimson, like blood on a large canvas. There isn't a plethora of servants, much unlike Olympus.

It's difficult to navigate through the Underworld; it's so dark. The only source of light is from lanterns placed here and there along the pathways. Nonetheless, Artemis seems to know exactly where she's headed.

"Welcome to Hades's castle," Artemis mutters as we approach a large, dark castle in the center of the Underworld.

"It's beautiful," I whisper to myself. Hades doesn't seem to show off his wealth like my father does with his castle. Hades's marvelous castle has towers that form a barrier around it and are connected by walls made of dark stone. Large, elegant windows are scattered across the walls.

A gate with broad metal doors, a draw bridge, and a moat offers a warm haven within these cold, isolated lands and it's the only way in, at least without taking down the castle walls.

Fields of nothingness stretch out outside the castle. When I turn my back towards the castle, I can see a large meadow with nothing but wilted vegetation. I wonder if that's the garden I'm volunteering to work in.

A shiver races down my spine. Only now do I notice the whips of cool air surrounding me. Goosebumps erupt down my arms and I hug myself to keep my heat intact. Who would've thought the Underworld would be so cold?

"Come, Persephone. The castle will be warm." Artemis approaches the castle and the servant mandating the gate must recognize the goddess and he allows the gate to open. The metal doors creak open slowly, and we enter hastily, eager to get warm.

We enter the castle and are greeted by a servant. "Welcome to the Underworld."

"Thank you," I reply warmly. I take the time to study the interior of the castle. The foyer is lit with candles and lanterns. It's an empty room except for a few velvet chairs and some paintings on the walls. "Artemis?"

She turns to me. "Yes, Persephone?"

"Do you think that Hades will allow me to work in his garden?" I ask warily. Shaking my head, I continue. "I just can't work with my mother; I'll never be happy."

"I know," Artemis replies. "And I do believe he'll allow it."

I squint at a painting hanging on the wall. It's about as large as Mother's cottage; it's huge. "That's a large dog," I giggle. "Oh, it's Cerberus!"

Artemis cringes. "Cerberus salivates too much. He could bite your head off without thinking twice about it."

My fingers feel the painted canvas. "Oh, I doubt it." I smile at the painting. "I'd be willing to bet that Cerberus is a sweetheart."

"Whatever you say," Artemis replies with an eye roll. "Oh, before I forget: are you interested in joining my Amazon warriors? I was told to ask you."

"Me, a warrior?" I laugh. "I could never."

She shrugs. "Just thought I'd ask."

We stop talking as soon as we hear the front door creak open slowly. Turning towards the door, I watch as Hades enter the castle, a lock of dark hair falling lazily over his left eye. "So, what can I help you with, Persephone?"

Smoothing out my dress, I slowly approach the God of the Underworld. "King Hades--"

He interrupts. "Please, just call me Hades."

I shyly smile at him. It just now occurred to me that he's about a foot taller than me. I have to tilt my head to maintain eye contact with him. "Hades, as you know, I'm the newly appointed Goddess of Spring."

"Yes, I was at the ceremony. You seemed disappointed." He doesn't lock his eyes with mine. Hades noticed that I wasn't happy, which makes me wonder how closely he pays attention.

I nod. "Because I don't want to work with Mother for eternity. I did some research--"


Raising an eyebrow, I reply: "Yes. It's when you read books or ask wise individuals for information on a topic. Ever hear of it?"

Hades grins. "Of course. I'm just impressed that you did your research. You're an intelligent one, aren't you?"

Shrugging, I curse myself for allowing my cheeks to warm. "Anyway, I discovered that your garden hasn't been used in millennia. Would you allow me to grow vegetation in the vacant garden? Please?"

Hades blinks, taken aback by my request. "Oh, yes. Yes, you can."

A smile immediately grows on my face. "Oh, thank you! This means everything to me. Thank you, Hades."

"You're welcome, Persephone."

My lovelies, oh my goodness, i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update. Between taking SATs, the holidays, and suffering from writer's block, writing this chapter wasn't easy. Nonetheless, as always, thank you for reading. <3

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