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****Warning: mentions of emotional abuse. Read at your own risk.****

I close the door behind me, simultaneously shutting out the wonderful memories from tonight with Hades. Mother can't know that Hades and I kissed. She can't know I was with him. 

Besides, she's probably sleeping.

Tiptoeing toward my bedroom, I am careful to step on each strip of creaky wood so as to prevent it from making any noises. My mind won't stop replaying my kiss with Hades; I melt each time I think of it.

As I enter through my bedroom's doorway, I note that the roses from Hades aren't where I left them; they are in shreds, on the floor. The petals are ripped from their stems, scattered everywhere.

And my heart drops.

I kneel to touch the broken, frail roses and feel my throat burning with tears. Who could've done this? Did Mother do this?

"You know, I thought that I was doing something nice for you." Mother's voice is above me. I gasp, my heart freezes, and I lean back, only to see that she has been sitting on my bed the whole time. Her hands are in her lap, and though it's dark, I can see the evident anger on her face.

"M-Mother--" I beg sorely. 

"And, I remembered, that roses only grow in the Underworld, which can only mean one thing." Her voice is dangerously calm and level, which I believe is worse than her yelling at me. "You were with Hades this evening. You betrayed me."

I don't say anything.

"Kore." She says my name, knowing that I very well prefer to be called 'Persephone'. "I understand you want to be married. You want to fall in love."

I realize, now, that she understands me. She understands my wishes. A tear drips down my nose and I hastily wipe it away with a hopeful grin on my lips. "Yes, that's what I want, Mother."

She smiles warmly. "Which is why I'm allowing you to marry."

I leap up from the ground, practically tripping over my furniture. "You are?" I ask breathlessly.

"You have a choice, though." She crosses her arms over her chest. "You either become an Amazon warrior," she starts, to which I cringe, "Or, you marry Apollo."

"Wait, what?"

Her smile turns devilish, cruel. "You are not to see Hades again. So, you can become a warrior, or marry Apollo."

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. "Why Apollo? Why are you so against Hades?"

"Oh, please, Kore. Hades is one of the 'Big Three' gods. Do you really believe that he wants you? That's ridiculous; I didn't raise you to be so naïve," she scoffs.

"He's not like Father, Mother. Hades doesn't play with women's hearts," I argue. "He would never." I sink down to my knees. "I know you're worried about me because you don't want me to go through what you went through, but I promise, Hades isn't like that."

At this, Mother laughs out loud. "Oh, my. I really did an awful job at raising you, didn't I? You're gullible and unintelligent."

"You don't even know him!" I plead through my blurred vision. I try to blink away the tears. 

"Oh, no, it's not like I spent years in my father's stomach with him." She rolls her eyes. "Anyway, Apollo is a good match. He's the god of sun, music, and poetry: perfect for you! And, he has already agreed to the marriage."

"He's arrogant and selfish."

"Why aren't you being more grateful?" she demands, standing up from my bed. "I'm doing you a favor!"

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