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A few months later...

These past few months of being married to the God of the Underworld have been jam-packed with understanding the process of the mortals' death process. It's also been filled with Evadne teaching me how to act like a proper queen. Right now, she's teaching me how to dance for my coronation ceremony next week.

"Come on, Persephone. It's one-step, two-step--"

I have to stop to catch my breath. Stepping away from Evadne, I wrap my arms around my stomach as I heave for air. Sweat is dripping off the sides of the face and the room is spinning.

"Darling, are you all right?" Evadne asks, stepping over to me and wiping my hair away from my face.

I squeeze my eyes shut, willing the dizziness to stop. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Let's continue, then." She takes my hand and pulls me back to the middle of the empty ballroom. "You're just nervous, Persephone. That's all." Evadne turns to the pianist in the corner of the room. "Begin the music, please."

As we continue to dance, I can't help but think that Evadne is wrong. I'm not very nervous about being coronated Queen of the Underworld; it just seems right. Like this is what I'm meant to do. I'll have Hades by my side, anyway. With that in mind, I'm not worked up about it.

After the dance lesson, I make my way to the kitchen for something to eat. I didn't eat this morning because I was feeling a little ill.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!"

I turn to the kitchen, only to see my husband, who's chewing on a piece of freshly baked bread and leaning against the entrance to the kitchen. I sigh of relief when I see him. "I was learning how to dance with Evadne."

"That sounds... enjoyable," Hades offers uncertainly.

"Well, it wasn't," I laugh. "Now I'm here for lunch. Are you busy today?"

He shakes his head. "Not particularly. The chefs made a delicious stew. You should try it."

"I was craving bread with goat cheese, actually." I peck a kiss onto his cheek. "I'll see you at dinner tonight!"

All day, the thought of sinking my teeth into fresh bread and goat cheese has sounded wonderful. I quickly prepare my lunch discreetly and wolf it down my throat before the chefs notice me. They'd be annoyed if I made my own lunch while they made stew for me already.

Now that I've eaten, I decide that I should sleep as a wave of exhaustion overpowers me. As I trudge up the stairs to the bedroom, I notice Hades is also in the hallway speaking to a servant.

I creep into the bedroom without him noticing me and I jump into the nicely made bed. Being the wife of a king certainly has its perks. I get comfortably warm beneath the blankets as the rest of the castle is chilly.

I close my eyes, content with my position on the bed.


"Yes?" I croak, stifling a yawn, eyes still closed.

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Hades asks.

"I slept fine." I open my eyes and sit up in the bed to look at him. He's standing at the end of the bed, concern clear in his eyes.

He rubs his forehead. "You've been acting strange these past few days, love. I'm worried about you."

"How have I been acting strange?" I ask, feeling my heart rate increasing.

Hades shrugs. "You're sleeping a lot more than usual, that's all. I just want to make sure that you're all right."

I crawl across the bed and over to my husband, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'm okay."

Abaddon: The Story of Persephone and HadesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu