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When I step inside of the cottage, I take one more glance outside to see if Hades is still there with his chariot and horses. He's gone. I didn't even notice him leaving; it was completely silent and went unnoticed.

I close the door and sigh, leaning against the door for support. Today was absolutely exhilarating. I've never felt so alive. So free.

"Dinner is ready!" Mother calls from the kitchen. I inhale the scent of the food she's cooking and frown when I realize it's yet another stew.

I set the table for the two of us and take a seat. Mother sets a bowl of steaming vegetables sitting in broth in front of me.

"So, how was the Underworld?" she asks, taking a seat across from me. Her skin is glowing from spending the day in the sun.

"It was fine," I lie. I'm not going to tell her that it was wonderful; she'd be very angry. I know that she wants me to hate it so that I'll return and work with her.

"Hmm." She takes a bite of her stew. "I don't believe you."

I set my spoon down and glance up at her. "What do you mean, Mother?"

She meets my eyes. "Do you think that I didn't see Hades's chariot outside?"

I sink down into my seat. "He was just being kind--"

Mother slams her fist onto the table. "He wants to take advantage of you! How could you be so stupid, Kore?"

"My name is Persephone," I mutter through clenched teeth.

"Oh, please. The Fates gave you a new name because they pitied you." She rolls her eyes. "Now, don't think I forgot about your end of the deal; you have to train to be an Amazon."

"I won't do it," I murmur, partially hoping she hears me, partially hoping she doesn't.

Mother sets her spoon down. "Excuse me?" she demands, her eyes hard and intense.

I bite my lip, considering my options at this point. "I said, I won't do it. I want to be married, Mother. I don't want to live a life of chastity."

Her mouth drops open. "Take that back. Right now, young lady." I don't reply. "How many times do I have to remind you of the intentions of men? They don't love you and they never will. They simply want pleasure. They'll leave you so quickly, you'll wonder if it ever even happened."

"Don't force your fears onto me," I plead. "What Father did to you was horrible! But that doesn't mean that every man is like that--"

"You don't know anything! Just listen to me. You're going to be an Amazon, and that is final!"

By now, Mother is out of her seat and standing over me. I shrink down into my seat as far as possible. My stomach knots and my throat burns. I feel my lip quivering. I can't do this anymore. I truly can't. I refuse to be an Amazon and give up a life of happiness and freedom.

"All my life," I start in a low, leveled tone, "I have listened to you. I have obeyed your every demand, never asking for anything. I grew up without any friends except for the nymphs. I'm a fully grown goddess with powers. There is no reason I need to stay here with you. There is no reason I need to listen to you anymore." My fists tighten.

Mother's eyes widen and she collapses into her seat again. I raise a confused eyebrow at her, wondering why she's reacting so oddly. "P-Persephone," she breathes, "you... you turned d-dark."


Mother takes a deep breath and sits up again. "There was a... black fog surrounding you as you were yelling at me. Like you were evil."

Abaddon: The Story of Persephone and HadesWhere stories live. Discover now