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Mother is dressing me up for the engagement party. Apollo is in another room getting dressed up. 

And I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him.

He's rude, and arrogant, and selfish, and entitled.

The amount of ego he has is unbearable. He thinks he can control what I wear, who I talk to, and how I act?

Wait until he sees me at this party.

"You've been such a good girl today, Kore!" Mother coos, pinching my cheeks after she braids my hair. 

"Thank you, Mother," I reply with a fake smile. Inside, I'm boiling. My blood surges through me like electricity, ready to spark at any moment. And, oh, I'm angry. I thought I knew anger before.

Being told what to do, what to wear, what to say, how to act, what I can't do, who I can't marry, that I can't marry, that I can't have children, that I'm stupid, that I'm weak, that I'm naïve, that I'm nothing but a pretty face. I've been thrown around, bruised emotionally and physically. I've been trapped. I've been trapped. I've been trapped.

But this, this is a new kind of anger.

I wish I could torture Apollo with my own hands.

And I never wish harm on anyone. 

Mother's eyes are suddenly filled with worry. "Kore, your eyes are dark again! What's the matter? What's happening to you?"

I stand from my seat and swallow my anger, simultaneously swallowing the darkness that I've recently discovered is a part of me. "Nothing, Mother." And I give her another fake smile.

She sighs of relief. "Oh, I must be seeing things. Come, come, we must be going to Olympus."

And I compose myself. I put on a show for Apollo and Mother.

I smile.

Apollo links his arm with mine on the way up the stairs to Olympus. We rise into the clouds.

And then it hits me: what if Hades is here?

Oh, gods.

I turn to Mother in a hurry. "Mother, I forgot a, uh, gift for Queen Hera at home. May I go back to fetch it?"

"Since you've been so well-behaved today, you may. Please, be quick. Apollo would look like a fool if you weren't there," she states, tapping my nose with her finger.

Apollo glares at me like he knows something. Like he knows I'm lying through my teeth. But he continues up the stairs with Mother while I run down the stairs as fast as my legs can carry me.

I need to get to Hades. I need to explain everything.

I enter the Underworld via the River Styx and though my lungs are screaming, begging me to stop, I keep going. 

I pound my fist against Hades's door. I wait a few moments until a servant opens the door. "Oh, Persephone! What a lovely surprise."

I cough as I gasp for air. "W-where is Hades?"

The servant looks uncomfortable. "Uh, well, he's... in the castle, but you shouldn't be here--"

"I need to see him. Now."

The servant gulps. "Very well, but he has to get ready for the engagement party, anyway."

I feel sick at the reminder. "O-okay."

"Would you like to come inside? It's awfully cold out here," the servant offers. "I can fix you some hot tea."

I shake my head, staring out at the beautiful Underworld. My home away from home. My comfort. I feel sick. "No, thank you. I'm fine right here."

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