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Kronos looks like I imagined him to appear. Red, piercing eyes. Large, husky build. Short, pitch-black hair. His skin radiates heat as if he's been on fire. It's almost too much for me to stare at for long.

"You know, Hades, I always believed that you would be the son that would make me proud," Kronos chuckles, taking a step towards us. Every step he takes is audible, shakes the ground. Sediment crumbles from the ceiling as he moves.

"I apologize for disappointing you," Hades spits, standing up to level with him. Hades is tall, but he's nothing compared to his father's height. "How did you escape Tartarus?"

Kronos smiles and turns to Thanatos. "While you were saving your little goddess, Thanatos was taking over your role as King. He summoned me, promising me freedom from Tartarus as long as I helped him eliminate you and, therefore, he can become King."

Hades is gasping for air, trying to take all of this information in. I glance down at my blood-stained clothes. They did this to me. Laverna and Thanatos are going to pay for this, I'll make sure of it.

"It's quite pathetic, Thanatos." I finally muster the courage to speak. Pain shoots through me as I push myself off the ground, using the wall to support me. "That you couldn't take over the throne yourself. You needed the aid of Kronos."

Thanatos glares at me. "It's quite pathetic that you allowed my servant to hurt you."

Hades locks his jaw, giving Thanatos the coldest glare I've ever seen. 

"Well, best of luck!" Thanatos smiles, beginning to step up the staircase. "I'll be in my new throne room. Kronos, just let me know when the job is complete."

Kronos chuckles. The ground rumbles beneath our feet. "It will not take very long." His voice is a combination of icy and gravelly. I shiver. He's studying both Hades and I. I cling onto Hades's arm, assuring him that I am here.

Laverna winks at us before following Thanatos upstairs.

"Well, it is just the three of us," Kronos begins. He's casually leaning his back against the wall opposite of us. "Should I kill you both now or wait until I've had my fun?"

Hades's black mist appears in the blink of an eye. It surrounds him and his eyes have gotten considerably darker. However, it appears as if it pained him to bring it out.

"Ah, with me around, you're struggling to bring out your powers," Kronos muses. "I'm soaking up your power, Hades. It's draining from you."

Hades rolls his eyes. "As if nothing else could go wrong." He leans into my ear, brushing against my hair softly. "Go get my brothers."

Worried, I stare at Hades, who is nodding at me to go. "What if he kills you while I'm gone?"

He gulps, shifting his eyes from me. "He won't kill me without an audience." Hades presses a quick kiss onto my lips. "I'll see you when this is over."

Fire is growing around Kronos, who's smiling wickedly as Hades. Hades pushes me away from him and more pain is introduced as I stumble away from him and up the stairs.

Kronos is testing his new powers by shooting his fire at the wall. It promptly explodes, rock and dirt flying everywhere. I cough as I rush up the stairs. I need to find Zeus and Poseidon before Kronos can hurt Hades.

I can hardly walk; everything hurts. I can't even seem to breathe correctly. My lungs scream at me, begging me to stop running. My exterior wounds burn as ashy air touches them.

Ashy air?

I turn around and gasp when I see Kronos shooting Hades into the air with his fire. I scream, praying that Hades isn't already dead. He's helplessly airborne, but his black fog is protecting him from getting burned alive. The only source of relief that I can find is the determined look on Hades's face.

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