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"Could I please, uh, use the restroom?" I ask quietly, gripping the sides of the table with my hands. My stomach is rolling and knotting as if I've just participated in the first Olympics.

Zeus, eyes softening, nods. "Hera will show you the way."

At the mention of her name, Hera emerges from the kitchen as she's wiping her hands on a towel. "Come with me, Hades."

And her voice immediately calms me down. There's something about Hera: motherly, calm, powerful. She's just the perfect Queen to be with Zeus, but she does deserve better. I'm sure she knows this.

We walk in silence as she guides me to the restroom, but I do feel her gazing at me every few moments.

"You're worrying me, Hades," she finally says gently. Her soft, pale hand is placed on my shoulder. "Is there something wrong?"

I sigh; I know I can trust Hera. Casting a glance back at the dining table with a laughing Zeus and Poseidon, I know they can't hear us from here. "Persephone is marrying Apollo."

Hera nods solemnly. "I know. Why does this bother you?"

I swallow. Hard. "Hera, I... I think that... gah, I don't know."

Her lips twist upward. "Would you mind reiterating that?"

"I kissed Persephone last night!" I explain, exasperated. My hands reach up to my hair, pulling at it as a metaphorical anchor. "And... and... I think that--"

"You're jealous," she states.

"I wouldn't say jealous," I argue.

Hera smooths out her pure white chiton. "Hades, you have romantic feelings for Persephone, don't you?" She says it more as a statement than a question.

My heart leaps up to my throat. I hadn't come to the total realization until now. Of course, I felt something enough to kiss her, but I hadn't realized that my feelings were this in-depth. 

"This is different than Laverna. I can already tell," she continues, her eyes studying my face. 

I cringe at the mention of Laverna's name. "It was purely physical."

"You didn't answer my original question."

I lean against the gold-covered wall for support, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. "It doesn't matter what I feel for her, Hera. It doesn't matter. She's marrying Apollo, and there's nothing I can do about it."

She raises an eyebrow. "Hades, you've never been one to give up so easily. Let me ask you something: are they married yet?"


"Exactly." She smiles. 

I shrug helplessly. "This is Demeter we're speaking of. Do you really think she's going to let this marriage fall through? She will never let Persephone be with me. Gods, how do I know Persephone even wants to be with me?"

Hera sighs. "Hades, I need to tell you something."

I clench my jaw. "What is it?"

"What is taking you both so long?" Zeus's approaching voice booms. "I've just been informed by Hermes that the engagement party is to be held here this evening."

And suddenly, I feel sick again.

"Hades, you have to come." Zeus gives me a pleading look. 

"Why?" I demand.

"It's my daughter we're speaking of," Zeus growls.

I roll my eyes. "And? You have about a hundred more children. Why does attending one of your children's engagement parties matter?"

At this, Hera curses under her breath and rolls her eyes. I mutter a quick apology to her.

"This is different. Persephone and Apollo are both gods," Zeus growls. "You will be there, Hades. If not, I will grant Thanatos permission to overrule the Underworld."

"You can't dangle that over my head forever." My fists are clenched tightly, my fingernails digging into my palms. Breaking the skin. However, Thanatos can't rule over the Underworld. He'd destroy it. "Fine, I'll attend."

"Wonderful." Zeus smiles warmly at me. "Now, I need to tell the servants to cook a feast." Before he leaves, he presses a kiss onto Hera's forehead.

Hera gives me a piteous smile. "I'm sorry, Hades."

"What did you need to tell me?" I ask.

"I probably shouldn't tell you. I'll see you this evening," she replies, starting to walk away. "It will all work out, Hades. I promise."

With that, she rushes back to the kitchen to help the servants prepare the feast.

The feast that will no doubt rip my heart out when I see Persephone and Apollo together.

I gulp, trying to take deep breaths to soothe my trembling hands. Seeing Persephone marry another man is enough to drive me to insanity. I'm done for.

That beautiful young woman, loving someone else. Raising a family under the sun and within a beautiful meadow. Something I could never offer her. 

Perhaps Demeter is right about everything. Persephone can't be with me. We would never be compatible. 

She could never love me. I am stupid for even imagining the possibility.

My mind is spinning. Racing. I stumble down the stairs of Olympus, trying to reach my chariot. I need to let my anger out, but not here. Not where I'm vulnerable. Not where the other gods and goddesses could see me.

I plunge back into the Underworld. Rage consumes me, and I feel so defeated. How could this happen? How could a mother allow her daughter to enter a loveless marriage?

I sink into my bed, my head pounding, as I try to accept this reality. Any hope I had felt between me and Persephone is gone, and I need to accept that.

A/N: (3/11/24) Hey, lovelies! I wrote this story when I was in high school, and at this point, I am a junior in college (keep that in mind, lol!). Originally, when Hades found out that Persephone was marrying Apollo, I had him come back to the Underworld and take his anger out by doing the deed with Laverna. Remember, lol, I was a stupid little teenager! I obviously do not condone cheating, and I felt the need to delete that portion because Hades should not and WOULD NOT do that to Persephone! When I come back to read this part of the story, I ALWAYS cringed because I was thinking "Hades would NOT cheat on Persephone!" So, I decided to change it for my own peace of mind. I wrote it that way in high school because I was like "gotta stir the pot a little, shock the readers!" okay, little author, no, cheating is a big no-no... okay, rant over!

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