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Persephone just agreed to have dinner with me tonight.

I don't know what prompted me to ask her. She just makes me feel different. She makes me smile more than I've smiled before meeting her. Persephone is so uplifting and positive and colorful. This is the kind of person I want to surround myself with. I can be myself around her.

Every time I think about it, I find my heart hammering in my chest.

"Wonderful." Inside, I'm performing backflips and cartwheels. Outside, I simply give her a small smile. "Would you like to see something?"

As we walk towards the dining hall, she glances up at me. "What are we going to see?"

"You're about to find out." Instead of going downstairs into the kitchen, I guide her upstairs beyond the bedrooms in the hallway. There's access to a balcony at the end of the hallway that I look out every morning. It's such a beautiful view of the Underworld. It's a reminder that I have a responsibility to maintain. I can't let the dead down.

Persephone follows me as I open the door to access the balcony. When I open it, the wind ruffles my hair. The wind is fresh and soothing, just how I like it. It's cool morning air that smells like crisp, fresh pine. That scent is probably coming from the Underworld's forest in the distance.

Persephone hugs herself as she slowly enters the balcony. The sky is a light red today with gray clouds overcasting. The wind rushes through her hair, and because of this, I can smell the wonderful aroma of the flowery shampoo she uses in her hair. "Wow," she gasps, taking in the sights.

"This is the Underworld." I grin as I look around myself. Dead souls are in a line, walking towards the judgment hall. A few make their way to my castle to meet with me today. The growing garden is a short walk away, adding some color to the Underworld. Leaves on the trees are budding in little green nubs. The River Styx flows peacefully across the bridge to my castle. Water bubbles as it rushes in the same direction. Cerberus is pacing the black iron gates surrounding the domain.

"It's... beautiful," she whispers in awe. Her bright green eyes are widened as she drinks in the view. Taking a closer look at her eyes, I lean in closer to her and realize her eyes aren't as green as I recall. They seem to have little specks of red in her irises. She notices me staring and raises a suspicious eyebrow at me. "Is something wrong?"

I shake my head, stepping away. "Sorry," I chuckle. "I just couldn't help but notice your eyes. Have they always had some red in them?"

Her cheeks pale. "What? No, they're green."

She rushes back inside the castle. There's a hanging mirror in the hallway, and she stares at her eyes' reflection. Persephone fiddles with her fingers as she tentatively steps onto the balcony again. "That's odd. They've never had those red specks before," she whispers, staring at her garden down below us. "Do you think there's something wrong with me?"

"No," I assure her. I level down with her to show her my own eyes. "See? My eyes have those red specks, too."

She steps closer to take a look at my eyes. "Oh, I hadn't even noticed you have them." A smile tugs at her lips. "There's probably nothing to be concerned about, then."

"No, of course not." I stand up to my full height. "So, breakfast. My servants usually make porridge. Is that suitable for you?"

Persephone leans against the balcony railing, her eyes on me. "Actually, I should probably go to my mother's cottage. Since I'm joining you for dinner, I should join her for breakfast. She wouldn't let me come for dinner otherwise."

My heart deflates a little, but knowing Demeter, I know Persephone is right. "Nothing to worry about; I just don't want you to go hungry. I will bring my chariot to your mother's cottage at dusk, then."

Abaddon: The Story of Persephone and HadesWhere stories live. Discover now