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Persephone leaves the throne room to work in the garden. I have to admit that I'm quite excited to see her progress. My hope is that the deceased mortals will admire the garden to bring a sense of peace to each of them.

"And who was that?" a menacing voice booms throughout my throne room. I clench my jaw as I glance down at the voice's owner. "She's quite pretty. Is she married?"

"Thanatos, leave her alone," I growl.

"I see that I've managed to hit a nerve," Thanatos hums, pacing the throne room as he wears a devilish grin. His cape flows behind him, giving him a sense of authority--the authority he wishes to possess. 

I lean back into my throne. "She's only here to complete a job. Nothing more. Do not bother her."

"You never answered my initial question. Is she married?" he presses, shifting his eyes to meet mine.

I force a chuckle. "Do you truly believe that Demeter would allow her daughter to be married?"

That comment feels like a punch in the gut. It's true; Persephone, who would make a wonderful wife, will probably never marry. Of course, it depends on whether she wants to be married. If she does, I pity her deeply. Demeter would never allow it, as far as I know.

Thanatos's eyes widen. "She's Demeter's daughter? Interesting. I didn't know she had a daughter."

"Well, you're too busy pining after my position to know what's happening elsewhere, aren't you?" I retort, trying my best to hold back a snort. It's too easy to rile him up.

Thanatos turns to look at me again with that same smirk on his lips, leaving an unsettling feeling in my stomach. My comment was supposed to anger him. "Very well, Hades. Be a child and antagonize me. I, on the other hand, will be charming Demeter's daughter. Wish me luck!" He gives me a sly wink and exits the throne room.

My heart pounds rapidly and my fists tighten, allowing my nails to dig into the palms of my hands. In an instant, I'm standing from my throne and storming outside to find Persephone. Thanatos would ruin her; I don't even want to imagine what he'd do to her. All of it just to anger me.

"Persephone!" I call as I make my way over to the garden. It doesn't look like she's made much progress, but she has cleared out many dying weeds and plants so that she has room to grow new plants. 

"Hades?" she replies. I don't see her. I turn around and sigh of relief when I find her wiping her muddy hands on an old piece of cloth. Her hair is pulled away from her face, but she still wears a perfectly clean lavender chiton. "Is something wrong?"

"No," I breathe, finally feeling my breaths evening out. "Everything is fine."

I glower when I see Thanatos strutting towards us with a cheeky smile. He makes his way to Persephone, who is about five yards away from me. My teeth clench again at the sight.

"And you must be the goddess I've heard so much about." Thanatos takes Persephone's mud-covered hand into his. "What is your name, beautiful?"

Persephone stares at him in confusion and doesn't say anything. I almost laugh out loud. "Excuse me?"

Thanatos forces a flirtatious laugh. "Oh, don't be shy. You must know how breathtaking you are. Tell me, what is your name?"

Her green eyes flick over to meet mine; a silent beg for assistance. "I'm... Persephone." She takes her hand away from his grasp. "And I also ask that you don't bother me while I'm working, please."

Thanatos's eyes narrow. "You were just speaking to Hades."

Persephone's cheeks are noticeably redder. "Yes, well..."

Abaddon: The Story of Persephone and HadesWhere stories live. Discover now