Chapter 7: Room 247

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Luna got up to go and get some coffee so she could cope with the overwhelming feeling of tiredness that had suddenly hit her. She realised that she hadn't slept for over 36 hours. Even if she tried to go to sleep, her mind wouldn't let her as she was too preoccupied to sleep. She was too worried about Mark to think about taking care of herself. She was desperate for news.

A nurse attending to Mark walked past her in the corridor. She asked for any possible information that she had. The nurse said that Mark had handled the surgery well and was in a slightly less critical condition than the other day. She also told her that visitors could go in and see him now. Luna was overjoyed at this piece of information.

She rushed back to room 247. Through the window, she saw Mark's parents holding his hand and telling him that everything would be ok. She also overheard Mark's mother asking Mark why he hadn't come to anyone to talk about the way he felt. Luna stayed outside to give them space. She sat back down next to a now sleeping Jeremy, lifting his head, and placing it in her lap. He must have been exhausted and so confused. She then had an idea that would hopefully help the Waterman family cope with this period in their lives.

Mark's parents came out of room 247, and Luna called out to them. They walked over to her and started apologising for the fact that Jeremy had fell asleep on top of her. Then the mother recognised Luna, "wait a minute, you're the girl from Mark's phone". Luna presumed that Mark must have her as his background, as she didn't see why everyone would know her as the girl from Mark's phone otherwise. Mark's mother asked Luna if she was going out with her son, to which she replied "well, when he finally decides to wake up for me, yes". She then said "I had an idea that might help you out. Why don't you let my parents take care of Jeremy whilst you are in here supporting Mark, and that way he won't be missing out on school". Mark's father said that he would be grateful if they could, then he asked about her own studies, especially seeing as it was their final year. Luna said that school wasn't nearly as important as being here for Mark.

Luna then went in to see him. There was a steady beeping echoing out from the corner of the room. Tubes sprouted from his body in multiple places. She sat down next to him, picked up his hand, and interlocked fingers with him. She rested her head on Mark's chest. She started telling Mark how she wouldn't let him go, and that she wouldn't be able to cope if he left her right now. The beeping intensified and got quicker. Luna took this as a sign that he could feel her presence, so she carried on talking. She also called her parents to come to the hospital, reassuring them that she wasn't in trouble, as she needed their help.

She quickly left Mark's room to tell her parents about the situation when they got there. They gladly agreed to take care of Jeremy whilst Mark's parents were at the hospital and asked Luna how she was coping after everything she had been through with Mark.

She returned to the room, replacing her head on Mark's chest, and started talking about how she couldn't wait until he woke up so they could start going out together and making more memories with him. She began to share the happiest memories that she had of the two of them, hoping that this would illicit some kind of response. But before she could find out she fell asleep in desperate need of rest.

Mark squeezed her hand and smiled in his unconsciousness. The monitors had picked up this change to his condition and relayed the information to the doctors. The doctors went across to the room, sat down with the parents and told them that it was more than likely that Mark would awake in the next day at the most.

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