Chapter 14: So Much For That

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Mark and Luna kept their distance for the day, hoping things would gust blow over. However, they would not be so lucky to get this. Mark got quite a bit of hate from his teammates as they were supposed to stick together and bros before hoes upstanding aswell obviously. But this was nothing in comparison to the hate Luna was getting. She would be walking to a lesson and a random person who she had never spoken to just called her a slut out of nowhere, plus she could have sworn some of the teachers were acting differently around here aswell.

Fortunately enough for Luna, Janine was there for her and actually knew the whole picture aswell as her other friends like James and Paul. They tried their best to stick up for her throughout the day but they just couldn't keep up with all the abuse.

The worst by far definitely came from Yash, Luna's sworn enemy. Yash happened to be in most of her classes and every time that he looked up and over to Luna he just said that Sol was on his way and that the lower years were looking for some fun once school had finished. Luna and Janine were disgusted by his comments.

One of Mark's friends had been in this lesson and therefore overheard everything and being the friend he was told Mark what had happened. Mark was absolutely outraged and couldn't wait to get his hands on some of these bullies, some of which he had thought of as friends. Mark messaged Luna during lunch asking if she was ok and that he would find anyone who dare to bully her. Luna reassured Mark that she was fine, disgusted, but fine with everything.

Mark and Luna both spent lunch with their friends, who took this time to congratulate them on their new relationship and wished them all the best, even though none of them thought that they would need it. They had all been willing Mark to either tell her or move on for everybody's sake but he had managed to last it out and still gotten his bae at the end of it.

Later that day, Mark returned to Luna's house for his belongings. Luna was waiting for him, and once he had picked up his clothes said, "I don't think we should see each other anymore. If us going out together is going to cause the entire year to turn their backs on us then it can hardly be worthwhile for us can it."

Mark protested but Luna just wouldn't budge on her decision. Mark started walking back to the bus stop, wondering why his life couldn't just stay perfect for more than half a day. Wind blew his body left, right, forwards, and back. Rain fell down his shirt, chilling him to his very soul. They had lasted less than a day. What was worthwhile about that he asked himself. Trudging into his home, he ran upstairs, slammed his bedroom door shut and proceeded to cry for hours on end.

Mark stayed in his room for 3 days straight with no food, drink, or entertainment. The only thing Mark did between the crying and the sleeping and the dreams was self-harm.

In Mark's bedroom there was a large hunting knife from his grandparent's house. He would often stare at it and wonder what it would be like to be on the receiving end of the curved machete. He picked it up, dragged the tip along his arm until specks of blood would start to appear. He carried on doing this until his arm was almost completely red in colour.

Everyone that knew Mark closely began to worry about him as he wasn't the sort of person to just not come into school for 3 days, hell the last time he had been off for 3 days he came back to rumours that he was going to Spain. Mark's phone must have had the most notifications it ever had, including some from his ex, Luna. However, Mark hadn't checked his phone since the day he was round Luna's house due to the rain, and so it just sat there collecting dust on the table as It charged infinitely.

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