Chapter 23: Memoirs

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The police were asking Luna for her statement about the event, but she just couldn't bare to answer at this moment in time, not whilst Mark was dying every second that went by. She looked around Mark's bedroom for the first time. She noticed how his bed was just a mattress on the floor, how he had random objects scattered around the room, clothes left everywhere, but most significantly, she noticed a small tidy section of the room where everything was pristine.

Luna walked over and knelt down next to the area. She picked up a book that lay in the centre, and opened it. It was full of pictures and prose that Mark had filled in. The pictures depicted his time with the people he loved like his friends and herself, some of which she didn't even know existed. Seeing all these pictures of him made her happy in this period of darkness. The light at the end of the tunnel. She felt bad about doing so, but she started reading the pieces of texts that Mark had written. They were dated, the first one being his first day of secondary school.

Luna skipped through the text until she found some that were dated to the beginning of sixth form, when she had joined. She was expecting to find something about her in these first few pieces but didn't. She was shocked at the truth of Mark's feelings back then, but she smiled, knowing how obvious it had been. She went through all the prose, reading about his daily events with Christina, Paul and Gang. She didn't think it was possible to adore and love Mark anymore than she did but every entry made her fall even more in love with him.

Finally she made it to the pieces about her, starting in mid-March of last year. One of the earliest pieces was just about what they talked about one lesson. Luna read every minute detail Mark wrote about her and smiled in memory of the days when their relationship had been so much simpler during their early friendship. Luna couldn't quite believe that he remembered everything that they talked about in every conversation and how he wrote about his initial raw feelings for her. Anything that they had done in that day he had recorded, along with other things he had done with his friends. But from mid-March, most of his words expressed how deeply he felt for her and what they had gotten up to.

Luna was enjoying reading his memories until the new school year came up. He wrote about his feelings in a different way, more frustrated and upset at her but never angry at her. She read all the things he had felt when she had begun to push him out of her life and just how quickly he had picked up on it. She suddenly felt really sad and sorry for what had happened before the Christmas holidays. She promised that if he didn't make it out ok, which she thought was unlikely, she would never forget him and that everything she did from now on would be for Mark.

Finishing his memoirs, she got up and called her parents asking if they could give her a lift to the hospital once again. She then realised that Mark had forewarned of this event, and instantly she felt remorse. If only she hadn't pushed him to go to school. If only she had listened to his warnings.

She stopped herself reminding herself that it was just something that happened, then remembered how none of this would have happened if she hadn't overlooked her feelings for Mark in the first place, then Sol wouldn't even be in the picture.

She got to the hospital and looked through his window at his lifeless body. She clasped her hands together and said a little prayer, willing any way possible that Mark would be alright. She fell asleep instantaneously after the traumatic day she had experienced, leaving her empty and exhausted.

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