Chapter 19: Into the Fire

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Mark slowly turned the door handle and opened the door. The room went silent as they all turned to look at him as he came through the door. Mark just looked down until he got to his seat next to his friends, but he felt the eyes track him all the way to it. The teacher cleared her throat and carried on teaching the class. At once, everyone resumed what they were doing the moment he had walked in. It was only then that Mark looked up and talked to his friends.

At first, they purely teased him for it, then they were annoyed at him for keeping it secret, then they made him promise that it was still bros before hoes and all that shit, then finally said that they were happy he actually did something about it. From that moment on, Mark's friends couldn't care less about him going out with Luna unless she got in the way of them hanging out and apart from the fact that some had slight problems with her.

They spent the rest of the day hanging out together like they normally did up to lunch time when Mark went off to find Luna and his other group of friends. He found them pretty quickly, but they all seemed down. Mark went up to them and asked what the problem was. Janine spoke up first and informed Mark that they didn't know where Luna was. Mark panicked fearing the worst. He felt it was all his fault that she was missing but reminded himself that she wouldn't want him to do that so focused his energies on trying to find her. He spent the next hour asking around if anyone had seen her. One person said they thought they had seen a red haired boy go outside of school with her and Mark immediately worried what she was going through at this very moment, able to do nothing.

Mark tried calling her phone but to no avail, which was rather expected seeing as the theory was that she had been taken by Sol. Mark didn't have the time to be in school learning whilst Luna was out there somewhere. His friends consoled him and told him not to worry, but how on earth was he not meant to worry about something like this. If it was one of them and their bae had just been taken, he was sure they would be worrying also. He asked people where they thought that Sol might take her but apart from their own houses they had no clue.

Mark's phone vibrated in his pocket. He opened it, reading the message that had just come through from an unknown number. "Sorry Mark but I had to take back what was rightfully mine, I'm sure you'll agree. I was just messaging to say that you shouldn't try to find Luna as there is no way I will ever let her out of my sight again, and if you do then it will only end badly for you." Mark wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes away. He showed the rest of the group and they were all shocked at Sol's true nature. 

Suddenly, Mark stumbled backwards, the image flashed in front of him once more. The sight of his dead body on his bed came back to him with the blood soaking his sheets. He came back to reality, telling the group about his flashback. They started telling him to give it up and that it wasn't worth dying over. That was when Mark told them that they were wrong. It was worth dying over. Luna was worth dying over to him at least. He couldn't let anything bad happen to Luna.

Mark made up his mind. He ran out of the school gates and went back to his house as quickly as possible, despite his friends protests. On the way back, he tried to come up with a solution to the problem at hand. He couldn't think of anything in particular, apart from the fact that he had to try and prevent the inevitable from happening.

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