Chapter 22: Closing Statement

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Luna listened in for any noises from the room opposite. It had been ten minutes since the last bang. She got up and hopped over to Mark's room. She put the door handle between her wrists and pulled up to take off the rope that bound her arms together. With her arms now free, she took off the blindfold, gag and rope binding her legs together.

What she then saw was so horrific that she instantly turned her back and closed her eyes as she broke down into tears. Luna told herself to get it together and turned back around and went over to the sprawled out body of the unconscious Mark.

His left hand was still clasped around his heart where blood was now pouring out from. His right hand was held in place from when he had pulled the trigger, and it was now pointing to his left hand. Luna looked around for Sol and saw him slouched in the corner, quite clearly dead by the paleness of his skin contrasted against his bright red hair. She went over to Sol and slapped him around the face before rummaging through his pockets to find her phone so she could call the ambulance.

Once she had done this, she returned to Mark's side and noticed that his left hand was actually clenched in a fist. She opened his fist to find a piece of paper scrunched up in a ball. She pulled the corners of the paper away from each other, unfurling the ball. She saw her name at the top and started reading it whilst she waited for the ambulance.

"To Luna,

If you are reading this it means that I succeeded in protecting you from Sol but unfortunately could not save myself as a part of this. Please go out and live your life. Don't become someone who gives up on their goals just because they're upset. You can do something worthwhile with your life, and yes I would have liked to see you achieve what you will but at least you still have that opportunity to do so, so don't waste it. If anything, go out and do it for me.

It is ok to move on from what we had. There is no need to wallow in self pity. Never forget what we had and remember that I am always with you in spirit, wherever you may be. Go make everyone proud. You've got your whole life ahead of you. I know that you will do great things because I've foreseen the future that lies in waiting through my dreams.

Know that I have always loved you and will always love you, but times change. These things happen. Whether for the right or wrong reason, these things just happen. I know that it is going to be difficult for you in the next few months, maybe even years, but the people around you love you so much and will only do their best by you.

I've loved every single second that i have known and been with you, but for now it is time for me to say goodbye.

Marky Mark."

Mark had regained consciousness whilst Luna was in the middle of the letter and when she had finished reading, he spoke out saying "love you Loon" before losing consciousness once more. The ambulance and police arrived simultaneously and they rushed Mark off to the nearest hospital, doing everything they could to try and prevent those words from being his last.

Mark Waterman: The Sun In All Its Glory (Completed) Alternate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now