Chapter 8: Rain Rain Go Away, I've Done My Good Deed Today

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Luna rolled her eyes at Mark. She had realised what leaving meant. She would be getting the same bus back to her house as Mark would to his. They trudged off together in silence back to the bus stop. Mark told Luna that if this was going to be too awkward and uncomfortable for her, then he would just wait for the second bus. Luna refused his offer, saying that she was fine and that it wasn't really necessary.

The bus came just as the clouds opened up. Rain hammered the roof of the bus. There were two seats left on the bus, directly next to each other. Luna couldn't believe her luck at the moment. What had she done to deserve this. They sat down next to each other. Mark started talking before Luna cut him off almost immediately, "listen, it's bad enough that we are on the same bus, but we also have to sit next to each other. So I would appreciate if I could at least spend the journey in peace." Mark just replied with "I just thought this would be an appropriate time to get whatever problems you have with me out in the open, so we can start again." "whatever" said Luna.

Then, about 5 miles out of where Luna needed to get off the bus, the bus broke down. Neither of them had a coat or an umbrella. They stepped out into the heavy rain, feeling the raindrops down the back of their necks instantaneously. Mark started taking off his jacket. Luna proclaimed "what are you doing? Put your jacket back on. You'll get sick." Mark knew this and said, "I know. I was taking it off so I could put it above your head. If that means I get sick, so be it."

Luna was thankful for his thoughtfulness and selflessness as she really couldn't handle harsh weather and it kept her dry, preventing her from getting any colder than she was. They walked all the way until they arrived at Luna's house. Mark saw her all the way to her door until she stood directly underneath the doorframe. It was only then that he took his jacket away from above her head. He began walking back to the pavement so he could get home.

Luna felt bad that even after all she had done and said to Mark, that he still showed her generosity. Impulsively, Luna called out to Mark "do you want to come inside. That way you can warm up and get dry. I mean it's the least I can do after what you just did for me" Mark accepted the invitation and walked inside with her. It wasn't until that he was inside, that he realised just how much of a respite he needed and how cold he was. He was soaked and chilled to the bone. The rain had seeped through his clothes. Luna suggested that he take a shower whilst his clothes dried.

Luna hung up Mark's clothes in the airing cupboard. She went upstairs to her bedroom and got dressed into her casual nightclothes. She collapsed onto her bed and scrolled through her phone, trying to kill some time. She then thought about the fact that Mark was in her house, using her shower. She didn't know what went through her mind but she messaged Janine about it. She was wondering what to do. She knew that she was with Sol, but she had always liked Mark in some way. She supposed she only had a problem with Mark because she really liked him but was trying to keep away from him so it wouldn't tempt her away from Sol. But now she was in a dilemma. Mark was about to come into her room with merely a towel around him.

Janine messaged back saying "woah. Why is Mark in your house taking a shower? What happened to staying away from him? All that will come from this is the end of your relationship. Besides you can't have him." Luna replied, "why not? He's not seeing anyone. Plus I'm not too sure I want a relationship with Sol." Janine came back with, "you can't have him because I want him. But I know he'll never pick me as he's too hopelessly in love with you." Luna just said "Janine! I thought you loved James and how do you know this?" Janine said, "Oh come on babe, it's pretty obvious. Basically the entire year can see it." Luna heard the shower turn off so she quickly said bye to Janine before turning her phone off.

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