Chapter 1: Going Back

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*edited 07/09/2020*

Going Back

The sun started to set as the yellow-orange rays lay gently over a forest. The leaves of the forest trees rustles against each other as the wind blows. The little animals and insects started to scurry their way to their homes before the moon rises.

In that same forest, there's a little home that sits by a large lake. A home of an old man who is a wizard, historian, mythological expert, and a former duelist. Many people would go to him for his stories and advice on dueling. But three years ago, one person went to him for help and answers.

"Ezor, I am back," A girl said as she walks in the little home that is cluttered with old books, potion glass bottles, and other antiques.

Ezor was sitting in his wooden chair, surrounded by dozens of books about dueling and magic. He places his hand behind his head as he scratched his thick, dark brown hair that was turning grey. "Ah, time does fly when you're busy reading these dusty books, huh?" The man comments. He closes his books and placed it aside. "So? Did you figure it out yet?" Ezor asks the woman who was now cleaning up his scattered books.

She sighs as she shook her head. "No, but I did face an intruder while I was wondering around," She responds.

"Oh, did you now? You dueled him, didn't you?" Ezor questioned.

"I did," She replies. "He was actually pretty good," She admitted.

"But not good enough to beat you I'm guessing," He assumed. She nods her head as she started stacking the books. Ezor smirked, knowing what exactly happened during that duel. "You dueled him and you didn't lose control," Ezor says aloud.

The girl stops and turns to face him. "Yes. It felt great to duel someone without having the fear of hurting my opponent. I actually kept my control,"" She rambles, smiling to herself.


"And my powers.. I was able to control it. I was able to hide them. I finally did it," She tells him, feeling accomplished.

Ezor smiles at her, proud that she was able to contain herself. For the past three years, he taught her many techniques of dueling and helped her learn how to use her unique powers at the right moments. He taught her how to control her emotions which leads her to control her powers. When this girl showed up at his doorstep three years ago, she was terrified of herself. She needed help, she needed answers. Although he helped her greatly, he couldn't give her all the answers she wanted. He knows about her and knew about her before she showed up. He couldn't believe that it was her that appeared at his doorstep.

The dark skinned man stands from his chair slowly and makes his slightly hunched body way in front of her. There was a height difference between the two; she was taller than him by one foot. He grabs her hands in his. "It's time," Ezor started. "You're ready," He says.

Her eyes widen in shock. "But... I still don't know who I really am, Ezor. I need more answers," She tells him, unsure about his decision.

"The answers you need are the answers that I cannot tell. Those answers are back in New Domino City and Satellite. It is you that needs to solve your own questions," He tells her. Ezor then let's go of her hands and grabs his wooden cane that was nearby and started walking to his door. He opens it and walks out to his lake. The girl follows, curious to why he just walked away like that.

The sky was dark now, and the moon was high in the sky along with the stars. The moons light reflects on the calm lake.

Ezor and the girl stood in front of the lake, looking out in the distance. "Let me tell you something, child. The sun speaks to us. We can't hear it, but you can feel it. You feel the warmth from either its rays or from someone who understands. The sun is the fire inside of us and provides for our nature. The sun is our healer," Ezor began, staring up at the moon. "The moon, however, watches us. Watches us decide the path we make, and no matter what, the moon will guide us like the wind and sea. The moon watched me walk many different paths in my lifetime, some good and some bad. But no matter what, the moon guided me to where I am destined to be. Which is why I am here in this forest. The moon led me here and I was able to get the answers I needed...

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