Chapter 59: Impact

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*short chapter*


It was the next morning and Xina was the first one to awake, even though she only slept for a few hours. She manages to flutter her eyes open. Xina could tell by the amount of the lighting there was in the room that the sun was just starting to rise. She blinks more to clear her vision as her eyesight slowly adjusts. Her sleepy, blurry vision fades as she clearly sees Yusei's resting face in front of hers. His face was relaxed and his mouth was partly open. One hand rested on his pillow while the other was on Xina's waist. She admires how peaceful and calm he looks when he sleeps. It almost seems like she is looking at a completely different person, considering he always has a straight, stern face, but she isn't; she was simply gazing at her Yusei.

Xina then remembers what happened a few hours ago at 2 in the morning between her and Yusei. She mentally slaps herself on the face for her abrupt behavior during an inappropriate time and place. However, she was grateful that Yusei didn't take advantage of her emotions due to the loss of Ezor. Remembering Yusei's words tell her, "Not like this," made her appreciate Yusei more than before. Randomly, she remembers how his voice cooed in her ear when he said her name during their minor heated moment. His deep voice simply whispering in her ear sends shivers down her spine, especially when she thinks about it. Xina mentally slaps herself again as she felt her face become warm instantly. She thinks, I need to stop thinking about that!

Once she discarded that memory, another one came to mind. She suddenly cringes, feeling the tears threatening to form on the brim of her eyes, when she remembers Ezor sacrificing himself. The image of it kept replaying in her mind. Xina just wanted to forget about it and move on, but she knew she couldn't. Deep down she still felt the guilt in her chest, and she knew that it will take time for her to recover. Then she realizes something.

After remembering the tragic incident, she realizes that today is a new day, but she is currently living in the same reality; the reality of misfortunes and darkness. Xina realizes that she needed to change that reality. She knew that Ezor would want her to quit moping around about his death and continue on. She could hear him tell her:

"You can't climb a mountain with so much weight on your back."

Xina then felt a sudden wave of determination and confidence. She knows that her loss is an unforgettable one and it will still take time for her to heal, but she has to continue on. Ezor's sacrifice wasn't for nothing and she knew she must keep pushing forward to win. And that's exactly what she is going to do.

Time Skip

The day went on, and Xina finally came out of her childhood room for the first time in a few days. Instantly, she was tackled by Crow and Jack's hugs, comforting her. It caught her off guard since she was expecting at least some space, but knowing them, she should have expected her foster brothers to act this way.

Martha and Blister were shocked yet relieved to see Xina come out of her room. Martha shared some words with Xina, basically apologizing for keeping such a secret from her, but Xina reassures her, telling her that she understands and she isn't upset about that.

Then it was the evening, and they all ate some dinner together. After dinner, Xina decided it would be best for her to return to her place and figure out what to do next.

Xina, Yusei, Crow, and Jack said their goodbyes before heading off to Xina's place. What Xina didn't know was the rest of the team was there.

She unlocks her front door and walks in. Before she could even do anything else, she felt two little bodies tackle her.

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