Chapter 38: Stubborn vs Stubborn

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*if there are any misspells or grammatical errors, i am sorry*

Stubborn vs Stubborn

Xina met up with Yusei, Crow, and Jack at their place. They were planning on taking stroll on their runners back to the home they all once knew, Satellite.

The four of them were driving on the bridge from New Domino City to Satellite. They take a look at their old yet newly built city.

"Wow. What happened to this place?" Crow questions, admiring the brand new buildings.

"The Satellite we once grew up in is gone, that's for sure," Yusei responds while looking around.

"What do you guys say about having a high-speed race through the streets for old time sake?" Jack suggests with a smirk.

"You're on!" Xina responds, smiling. She steps on her pedal harder, making her speed past them. Xina laughs when she does so.

Crow laughs, "You're not going to win that easily!" He then speeds up, making the other two boys drive faster.


They all reached Martha's place, seeing Martha, Blister, and the kids standing outside.

Xina takes off her helmet. "Ha! I win," Xina stated with a victory grin.

"You got lucky," Jack says as he takes off his helmet.

"Or you're just slow," Xina said.

Jack took offense to that as his eyes narrowed at her. "I beg your pardon - Did you forget who I am? I am the King and the Master of Faster," Jack argued.

"Key words: You were. Now that I'm on the streets, you're title has been snatched by yours truly," Xina smirks, teasing him.

Crow laughs, "What you gotta say about that Jack?"

Jack crossed his arms before responding, "I say Xina is challenging me to a turbo duel that she has no chance in beating me in."

Yusei chimes in, taking off his helmet in the process, "Sorry to say Jack, but I think you should just hand her the title while you still can."

Jack exclaimed, "No way! How could you say that?!"

"Uh- I don't know, because what he is saying is the truth. But if you don't want to believe him, by all means, go ahead. Just don't come to us crying that we didn't warn you," Crow tells him, placing his hands behind his head.

"Real men don't cry," Jack argued.

Xina says, "Actually real men do cry, that's what makes them - you know - real."

"Well, I don't!" Jack snapped.

Xina hums remembering when Jack cried about Carly. Xina starts, "Oh really? So what about that time when-"

Jack muttered, "Say one more word or I will-"

"The children Jack!" Yusei and Crow exclaimed at him at the same time.

Martha shakes her head while smiling. "You all never changed," Martha comments.

The kids then ran up to the four, smiling. They were all happy to see them, especially Crow. "Yusei! Jack! Xina! Crow!" They exclaim.

"What's up, little runts?" Crow asks, still sitting on his runner.

"Long time, no see," One of the kids says.

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