Chapter 53: Strange Eyes

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*btw if you haven't noticed, i am changing the plot a bit. Illiaster and Z-ONE drama will not be in book, and Team Ragnarok's intentions and views will be different from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's plot*

Strange Eyes

It has been a few days since Team 5D's learned that Xina was aware with what Team Catastrophe mentioned about someone planning on destroying the city. It didn't take long for them to step in and help Xina figure out what exactly they are facing. They helped research and gather more books that they assumed would help. However, they all reached dead ends.

With this and the World Racing Grand Prix Tournament on their shoulders, they became exhausted as they began to relate to what Xina has been going through for the past weeks.

Crow closed another book and sighed deeply. His eyes were droopy from lack of sleep and his orange hair was all messed up. He mutters tiredly, "So... many... words."

Dove, who was sitting next to him, closed another book and also sighed deeply. She nods, agreeing with Crow's words. She softly says, "I agree."

"Would you two quit complaining? It doesn't make this situation any better," Jack stated, sitting at the circular wooden and taking a sip of his coffee.

Crow looks back to see Jack lounging at the table, noticing there was no books. Crow narrowed his tired eyes at Jack as he observed, "Drinking coffee and doing nothing isn't a big help either."

Jack hummed as his eyes were closed. He responds simply, "I am doing something."

"And what's that other than sipping on your unbelievably expensive cup of coffee?" Crow questions, getting agitated with his blonde friend.

"I am here for moral support, therefore my task is quite exhausting," Jack tells him before he took another sip of his steaming hot coffee.

"Exhausting, huh?" Crow mutters, glaring at Jack.

Leo and Luna were sitting on the couch as they were reading their books on their laps. Leo chimes in as he tells Crow, "Ignore Jack, Crow. He's still caught up in his fantasy of being the top turbo duelist in New Domino City."

Jack quickly shot his violet colored eyes at Leo, glaring at the green haired boy. "What did you just say, you little tramp?" Jack scolded.

Leo automatically regretted saying anything once he saw the look on Jack's face. Leo had sweat drip from his forehead nervously, putting his hands up as if he was surrendering. He stuttered, "N-Nothing! I-I didn't say anything."

"Hmph," Jack scoffed.

Luna sighs lowly as she mumbles, "I found nothing in this book." She closes the book, putting it aside before grabbing another one.

"There has to be an easier way to find something about this 'guy' or about Xina's dragons," Leo comments as he turned to the next page of his book.

"There is. It's called the internet: a source of technology you little brats are so dependent on," Jack tells them.

"Then how about you quit sipping your damn coffee and go on the computer!" Crow snapped at Jack.

"Bruno and Yusei are already on that," Jack replied, trying to remain calm.

Bruno and Yusei had their backs faced towards everyone as they were typing on the keyboards, trying to find anything. Bruno tells them, "And we're getting no luck."

"I'm sure there is something somewhere," Yusei adds, trying to remain positive.

"See," Jack points out.

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