Chapter 55: Ezor

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*there will be lots a flashbacks in this chapter and you will see why*


"Who knows what would of happened if that wizard didn't show up," Leo says, making Luna shut her eyes.

"Stop calling him a wizard, Leo. We don't know for sure if he is or not," Luna tells him, crossing her arms.

"Then how do you explain that magical staff he has and that long beard? He's most definitely a wizard!" Leo pointed out.

Blister was next to speak, "We called you guys here because that "wizard" knows Xina, and came here for her."

"For me? Where is he?" Xina questions, getting more confused.

"I'm right here," A man's voice says from the doorway of the dining room.

They all look over to see who it was. Yusei, Bruno, Crow and Jack see that Leo's description of the old man was accurate as they just stare at him.

Xina, however, was in shock. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the person standing there. She manages to utter out in disbelief:



Xina stared at the old man in front of her in shock. She stutters quietly, "W-What... When..." She stops before her shock written face was replaced by a toothy smile. She engulfs Ezor in a tight hug, making him chuckle lightly. "Ezor! You have no idea how much I missed you. I need to tell you everything that has happened and-" Xina rambled in excitement since she was so happy to see the person who helped her control her abilities. Xina considered him as her teacher and a father.

Ezor wrapped one arm around her, patting her back gently. Ezor responds, "I missed you too, child.
You have grown so much, that I can see, but right now, I need to sit down."

Xina lets go of the hug after hearing him say that while Martha was quick to get a chair for him. Martha gets him a chair as Ezor slowly took a seat, sighing in the process. Xina then notices his hair has become more gray than the last time she saw him, which was a year ago. He had more wrinkles and large bags under his eyes. This wasn't just because of old age, but it was caused by stress and lack of sleep. She looked at him worryingly as questions filled her mind.

"So it seems like you really know this old geezer," Crow says, looking at Xina.

"How do you know him?" Jack questions. "Because I surely never seen him around town," Jack added, looking at the old man suspiciously.

Xina answers them, "It's because he's not. Ezor is the one who helped me control my abilities and taught me everything I needed to know. He lived far from the city,.. which reminds me: Why are you here Ezor? I thought where you were at was where your destiny ends?" She questions, remembering him telling her that before she left to come back to New Domino City and Satellite.

Flashback to Going Back

Ezor stood at the end of the calm lake, gazing at the waters. He says to Xina, "Let me tell you something, child. The sun speaks to us. We can't hear it, but you can feel it. You feel the warmth from either its rays or from someone who understands. The sun is the fire inside of us and the nature of life. The sun is our light and our healer," Ezor began, staring up at the moon. "The moon, however, watches us. Watches us decide the path we make. And no matter what, the moon will guide us like the wind and sea. The moon watched me walk many different paths in my lifetime, some good and some bad. But no matter what, the moon guided me to where I am destined to be. Which is why I am here in this forest. The moon led me here and I was able to get the answers I needed..."

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