Chapter 52: Aftermath

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*sorry for the long wait, but be prepared because this chapter gets intense!!*


The sun was blazing as the fluffy white clouds coasted above the WRGP Tournament arena. Colorful fireworks were exploding high above in the calm sky. The booming of the fireworks and the shouting of the people erupted throughout the stadium and nearby streets.

The crowd chants "Team 5D's" for their quick victory. The cheerleaders bellowed their excitement with the crowd, waving their pom-poms. Jack, Xina, and Yusei has defeated the two out of the three members from Team Catastrophe that day, and will be advancing to the semi-finals. The team won by default since Nicolas' runner got destroyed in the middle of the match, therefore he cannot pass the baton to Hans, their third team member.

Although the crowd was proud of their victory, the 5D's crew did not share the same excitement as they should have. The twins, Dove, Crow, Bruno, Yusei, and Xina were at their terminal as they stood there, looking at their screen. Shock, confusion and fear was written all over their faces as sweat beads began to roll off their still faces.

On the screen, Jack's face was shown as he also shared the similar expression with his team. Jack looked at Nicolas, who was on the ground holding onto his injured arm. Nicolas was staring back at Jack, smirking at the blonde turbo duelist. Nicolas duel runner was nearby and in flames, but that did not seem to matter to him.

Nicolas was snickering as he never left his stare from Jack. Despite of his injured arm and damaged runner, Nicolas could help but laugh at the look on Jack's face after he told him something.

Jack was confused yet afraid as he stared at the injured duelist with wide eyes. He manages to mutter, "Y-You can't be serious..."

Nicolas smirk was more noticeable now. He responds, snickering, "Oh, but I am."

At the 5D's Terminal, Xina trembled in fear as she thinks, T-This can't be happening...


At Xina's place

Everyone was in the living room as they all remained silent. The clock on the living room wall ticks 7 pm. Akiza, who just was released from the hospital, was sitting next Dove and Luna on the couch. She was confused to why everyone was silent, since she wasn't there at the tournament. She expected everyone to be happy and celebrating their victory since they are now advancing to the semi-finals.

Bruno sat at Xina's desk that had numerous stacks of books on it. Yusei stood by him as his gaze was on the floor. Jack stood by Xina's massive book shelf that was filled with books. Leo sat on the floor by the couch where Akiza, Luna, and Dove were sitting while Crow was sitting on a wooden chair that was also by the bookshelf where Jack was by.

Xina stood at the end of the room, facing everyone as she stares at the floor. Her thoughts were consuming her mind which is why she is so silent, along with everyone else.

The tension in the room began to overwhelm Luna as she decided to break the silence. She was looking down at her petite hands that lay on her lap and speaks, "What did that Nicolas guy mean?"

Bruno looks at Luna as he tries to think of a response for her. He sighs before saying, "I'm not sure myself. It was an unusual yet terrifying statement he made."

Akiza looks at everyone before asking, "What happened?"

Dove removes her gaze from her hands before looking over at Akiza. Dove tells her in her soft voice, "Team Catastrophe card, Hook the Hidden Knight, wasn't originally their card."

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