Chapter 60: Peak of Destruction

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Yōkai wore a black hooded cloak over his all black attire. He stands in the middle of the city, watching the people pass him, not paying any mind to him. The sun was setting as the city night lights began turning on.

Yōkai smirks darkly before muttering, "It is time.."

Peak of Destruction

Citizens of New Domino City were on their way home after a long day of work; they were either walking or using some sort of transportation. The calm chatter of the people and the sounds of city irritates Yōkai, but he knew that it would not last much longer, causing him to grin deviously. The sun continued to set as the sky began to turn a hazy red-orange color. The automatic night city lights began to turn on. Shortly after the lights turn on, they began flickering rapidly, catching people's attention. The large hologram screens began to flicker too, making a static sound.

People were wondering what was happening with the city lights. Some were thinking, "It's probably the city generators acting up." But that wasn't the case unfortunately.

Unexpectedly, the citizens who were driving buses, taxis, delivery trucks, cars, and duel runners on the main city road came to an abrupt stop. The people who were walking on the sidewalks saw this happening, making them stop as well. Then the vehicles that were on the road began to glow a dark red-violet color before slowly being lifted up from the ground. The people in the vehicles began to freak out as some of them managed to get out of their cars and buses before they were lifted too high off the ground. This caused the bystanders to gasp and shriek in fear for them.

Yōkai, who wore his black hooded cloak over his body which was hiding his identity to the people, was walking in the middle of the street. His hands were glowing the same color as the vehicles that were now in midair.

A slight, dark chuckle erupted from his throat when he sees that the people have noticed him. He found the fear and confusion that was written all over their faces was humorous and entertaining. However, he expected more than some simple facial expressions.

He stops in the middle of the street as everything went eerily silent, only the sounds of the static of the hologram screens were heard. The holograms began to show a flickering image of Yōkai standing in the middle of the road. His identity was still hidden due to his cloak. Then his dark, deep voice speaks through the city speakers:

"Now, let it rain."

The numerous floating cars and vehicles suddenly came crashing down, causing people to scream and run. The debris from the cars were hitting some of the citizens that were trying to flee from the scene while some cars were being flung into the city buildings, causing explosions.

Their screams of terror and pain caused by the explosions and destruction from Yōkai was music to his ears. Watching them panic was an enjoyable sight to him, causing him to chuckle lightly. He then lifts his left arm as a black and red duel disk appears on it. He activates it before sadistically stating through the city speakers, referring to the people running away:

"Leaving so soon?.. The show has barley begun."

Yōkai whips out a duel card that had an dark, shadowed-like aura forming around it. He lifts it up in the air before striking it down on his duel disk.

"Field Spell, Peak of Destruction activate!"

Suddenly, the city began to quake strongly, causing the people to lose their balance and scream. Yōkai opens his arms out wide as he looks up at the sky.

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