Chapter 61: Who Are You?

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Luna looked at the woman in shock. She stammers, "Y-You're the woman who helped me in the Spirit World."

"In the Spirit World?" Dove questions, looking at Luna.

"Yeah, she helped Regulus return back to normal - it's kind of a long story," Luna tells her before looking back at the woman. She notices that she still couldn't see her face because of her white hood of her cloak. She asks, "You never told me who you are; who are you?"

The woman remains silent for a brief moment. She answers her question, making the four of them to look at her in disbelief.


Bruno walks into the room slowly, unnoticed by his peers. He turns around and slams the doors shut, creating a loud boom sound.

"Bruno." He heard Akiza's voice. "Are you alright?" Akiza voice questions.

Jack, Xina, and Yusei turned around, looking at Bruno who was facing the doors. Bruno slowly turns around as his eyes were covered with his bangs. His body looked limb as he stood there, non responsive.

"Is it your head again?" Xina questions, walking over to Bruno. She reaches her hand out to his head as she tells him, "I can try to heal you-"

Xina stops once she felt Bruno's hand grab her wrist roughly. Xina eyes widened, not knowing why or what was going on or why he was acting so strange. She thinks, What's going on with him?

Bruno's grasp on Xina's wrist tightens, making her wince uncomfortably. "Bruno, w-what are you-"

"Stop it!" Jack shouts as he grabs ahold of Bruno's hand that was tightly holding onto Xina's wrist. He pushes his arm before asking, "What's up with you!?" Xina rubs her wrist, trying to soothe the slight pain she was feeling.

Bruno responds with a low chuckle that sounded dark. Xina, Yusei, Jack and Akiza looked at Bruno, bewildered by how he was acting. Bruno slowly lifts his head up to look at the four.

Their eyes widened at the sight; Akiza covers her mouth in terror, Jack slowly backs away feeling sweat beads roll down his forehead, and Yusei and Xina gasp. They couldn't believe their eyes as they stared at their friend. Bruno's eyes appeared to look almost like Yōkai's eyes; the violet sclera, forest-green irises, and the smokey red flares at the corners of his eyes.

"Your facial expressions are quite alluring," Bruno chuckled.

Jack uttered out, "Have you gone mad!?"

Bruno continued to chuckle darkly before lowly responding, "Typical Jack, who calls me crazy after I have given a compliment." He looks at them, narrowing his eyes. He then lowly taunts, "Now, it is time for you to fall into the darkness as well."

Xina, Yusei, Akiza, and Jack just stared at Bruno with shock written on their faces. Yusei thinks, feeling a few sweat beads form on his forehead, What has happened to Bruno?

Xina didn't know what to do as Bruno was laughing hysterically, staring at them with his taunting eyes.

Who Are You?

Yusei, Jack, Xina and Akiza watch as Bruno continues to laugh hysterically. His laugh didn't sound like it was his own; it had a low, dark tone which sounded displeasing. Bruno's eyes matched Yōkai's eyes perfectly, which terrified the four.

"Bruno, what's going on with you? This isn't you," Yusei questions, looking at his friend with concern in his eyes.

Bruno stopped laughing but chuckled as he responded, "Nothing is wrong."

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