Chapter 6: Speeding

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*edited 07/09/2020*

*long chapter lol*
*there is a duel between Yusei and Hunter Pace, and i know you all know how that duel ends;) so you don't really have to read the duel part unless you want to, it's up to you*


"Ladies and gentlemen! I know we're all still recalling from that incredible second but it's almost time for our third! It is Yusei versus Shira!" The MC announces through his microphone.

Yusei and Xina were down in the duel runner garages below the arena. Yusei was fixing up his red duel runner. Soon, the spiked up green haired man walked inside the garage.

The green haired man sees Xina and greets, "You must be Xina. That was a great duel you played out there against Leo."

Xina lightly smiled. "And you are?" She asks, still not knowing his name.

"Bolt Tanner, but everyone calls me Tanner," he responds.

"What do you know about this Shira?" Yusei questioned, looking over at Tanner.

"A couple of fellas I know had some run-ins with a guy a few years back in the underground duels. According to them, he wasn't exactly a fan of playing nice. Back then, he was calling himself the Shadow Reaper. And he never takes off those creepy robes of his. You planning on using Stardust Dragon?" Tanner explains before asking that questioned.

Yusei looks away from him and says, "I'm saving Stardust Dragon for my duel against Jack and when I face him, he's gonna wish he never gave it back to me."

Tanner nods before saying, "I should be heading to the stands. Good luck, Yusei." He then turns to Xina, "Nice meeting you properly this time, Xina." He then heads out of the garage, leaving Xina and Yusei.

Xina questioned, "Jack took Stardust away from you? Why? How?"

Yusei sighed before saying, "I told you, Xina. You've missed a lot. Ever since you left, nothing was the same. It was like everyone forgot who they truly were. They changed, and so did Jack. He took Stardust after he threw my friend out to sea, tied up in a canoe, since I refused to leave with him to New Domino City."

"How come you didn't leave with him?" Xina asks.

Yusei was quite for a moment before responding. "When you left, I met these people who I now call my friends. They've took me in and helped me. I couldn't just leave them like that. And after that, they knew how much Stardust meant to me, so they helped me and risked so much to build my duel runner." He paused before continuing, "I also couldn't leave because I had to wait for you, like I promised."

Xina felt horrible and now regretted leaving Satellite in the first place. "If I've never left, none of this would be happening. You and Jack are no longer friends and-"

"Don't feel bad, Xina. If you've never left, I wouldn't have met the friends I have now. Besides, Jack was planning his escape months before you left," Yusei reassured her.

Xina still felt guilty, but eventually smiled. She thought of one of Ezor's lessons.

About three years ago

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