Chapter 37: New Start

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^the yellow and blue eyes are on the wrong eyes. they should be switched^

*i think this chapter is my favorite one i have written so far*

New Start

The warm, bright sun began to rise slowly. It's yellow-orange rays landed on softly on the meadow of the tall morning grass. The dew of the thin grass gradually rolls down to its soil. The gentle breeze of the morning wind brushes against the leaves and branches of the nearby forest of trees. The birds and animals of the forest began to awake as they make their ways out of their homes to begin their daily routine.

An old dark-skinned man, who lives in a little cottage, awakes and walks out of his home. He held his cane, using it to help him walk and keep his balance. He takes a deep breath of the fresh air and sighs, "So peaceful."

He walks over to the nearby lake where he usually goes to meditate or think about his life. He stares at the glistening water, seeing a couple dragonflies pass by. He smiles at the beautiful life he is surrounded by. The old man looks at the sun's reflection on the gentle water.

Soon, he notices the light breeze suddenly become harsh. Some of the leaves of the trees began to fly with the sudden harsh winds. The old man watches the reflection of the sun on the lake become covered. This makes him look up to see dark, heavy clouds moving quickly, covering the sun. The dark clouds then began to move in a spiral shape. Thunder and lightning began erupting.

The old man wonders, Can it be...

Interrupting his thoughts, a form of black smog appears above the lake. The smog slowly became thicker and thicker until it a pitch black figure of a buff man appears. The figure speaks with a low, dark voice, "Look what we have here. You grew quite a beard."

The old man firmly grips on his cane, furrowing his bushy eyebrows furiously at the shadow. He speaks, "Yōkai."

"It has been years since we last encountered each other. How have you been?" The shadowed man says with his dark voice.

"I know you didn't come here to play catch up,Yōkai. What do you want?" The old man asks, agitated. The old man still kept his grip on his cane.

The shadowed man laughs, making the old man cringe at his sinister laugh. The shadowed man responds, "The same thing I was after 18 years ago; the throne. So tell me, where is the princess?"

"You know I will never tell you. She is under my protection. I promised King Zoro and Queen Amaterasu to protect that child with my life," The old man fired back, showing his seriousness with the aggression in his voice.

The shadowed man stares at the man in wonder. "Then where is she? I don't see you protecting her here."

"I already did my part. She is stronger than ever. Stronger than you!" The old man shouts, hearing his own voice echo with the harsh winds.

The shadowed man took offense to his comment. "Don't speak nonsense to me! Her powers cannot compare to mine! And I will show you!" The shadowed man shouted aggressively as a dark red-violet orb appears on its hand. He throws the source of dark light at the old man.

The old man picks up his wooden cane as it slowly turned into a staff. A teal color blast shoots out of the staff, blocking the attack of the shadowed man. The shadowed man continued to shoot at the old man as the old man kept blocking and dodging his attacks.

The old man was winning the fight, until the shadowed man caught him by surprised by appearing behind him. The shadowed man shoots another blast at the old man from behind, making the old man scream out in pain. He felt the darkness of the blast burn on his skin, making his collapse on the grassy ground.

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