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Next Friday...

Xander was sitting with Woods to film an episode of Superstar Savepoint for his channel.
Woods does his signature clap in the begining of his videos.

Woods: Welcome to up up down down! This week on superstar Savepoint we have, Xander! The star of New Japan and WWE's newest superstar!

Xander: Hey people of the internet! It's great to be here.

Woods: So it's tradition that everyone gets a nickname here. It can be from childhood or from the spot. What would you like to be called?

Xander: Hmmm, Bad Brain Bruce Wayne

Woods: Why that?

Xander: Just cause MGK's motherf....song got stuck in my head. Sorry can't finish the rest of the song name. Kids watch this channel.

Woods: I mean I can bleep it out.

Xander: Nah it's fine.

Woods: Alright, you wanted the fans to choose the game and they chose 20 questions.

Xander: Alright this should be fun.

Y'all know the drill on UUDD.  They play and talk at the same time.

Woods: So tell the viewers a bit of yourself.  Growing up, your life journey, and how you ended up here.

Xander: Well growing up wasn't the easiest. I had to move from my hometown to Detroit because my parents passed away due to a car accident. New Years out of all times.

Woods: That must have been hard and I'm sorry about your parents.

Xander: Thanks. It did get easier in high school because I found football but it was a rocky start.

Woods: How so?

Xander: I got back to back concussion my first two years so I quit. The only reason I came back for my senior year was because my grandfather said I was my happiest on the field which made him happy and that was one of his dying wishes.

Woods: Awe I'm sorry about your grandad and how'd your season go?

Xander: We won state and I got MVP for sacking the QB 5 times.

Woods: That's damn impressive. Now let's start the game. First question, "What sport did you play?"

Xander: Well I answered that so next!

Woods: Remember I'm using fan submitted questions and you can answer one question by pleading the fifth. Here's the question, "Weirdest place you had a one night stand?"

Xander: I don't do those. I like to be friends and then ask the girl out.

Woods: I like it, very noble.

At that point Nikki, Alexa, and The Miz walk in.

Woods: Hey Ladies! Miz!

Alexa: What's up.

Miz: What game is this?

Woods: 20 questions with fan submitted questions.

Nikki: Sounds interesting!

15 questions later...

Woods: Alright, now we're down to the last 3 questions!

Everyone: Oooooooooo...

Woods: Alright, "Would you rather lose the ability to read or not be able to listen to music?"


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