The Big Day...

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It's finally the day and the wedding was about to start in an hour.

Lexi was pacing in her room while Ness, Nia, Ember, and Nikki were watching her with amused concern.

Ness: Lexi if you pace one more time you're better off being Forest Gump.

Nia: Yeah girl, what are you nervous for?

Lexi: I just am!  It's my wedding!

Ember: It is your wedding and you should be relaxed and happy! And besides if you pace anymore you'd be too tired to walk the eisle

Lexi: I am happy. It's just I'm scared I'll mess this up.

Ness: I mean if you trip while walking to the altar I think we wouldn't mind it.

Lexi: Not what I meant. 

Nikki: You're scared that you might mess up with Xander?

They were met with silence which answered the question.

Ness: If I know my cousin he'll try his hardest to make everything work out.  And besides, he's too head over heels in love with you to just leave.  He ain't a dead beat.

Lexi: Thanks Ness, I needed that!

Nia: And besides, I think he's also just as nervous as you are.

Ness: Knowing him, he's probably watching a replay F1 or Nascar to clam himself down.

Nia: Now sit down! We gotta get you ready and have you change to your dress!

In Xander's room...

All the guys were dressed and ready.  Xander decided to wait until it's close to the start time to do his hair since it's easy to maintain short hair.

Xander: Hey is there any BodyArmor left?

Shelley: Dude that'll be your 3rd bottle in like 15 minutes. Calm down.

Finn: It's better than drinking alcohol.

Shelley: Not helping Fergal!

Finn: What?

Woods: Kind of want to see him drunk out of his mind.

Sabin: Dude?!?

Woods: What? It'll be hilarious! Besides, Xander is more of a loose and happy drunk than an angry and aggressive drunk.

Xander: I mean that's true, but I don't feel like getting drunk.  Last time that happened Shelley was passed out and butt ass naked on the toilet...

Shelley: Still don't know why I was naked...

Xander: Finn was throwing up in his suitcase...

Finn: Not the best mornings...

Shelly: Yeah, MY SUITCASE!

Finn: Dude I didn't know!  Besides you were worse!

Xander: Sabin was...

Sabin: Let's not tell them that story. 

Woods: But you're gunna tell us after the wedding.

Sabin: Noooo, hellllll nooo!

Finn: I'll give ya $100?

Xander: I'll let you take my Hellcat for a spin...

Sabin: Hell nah, that shit scares me.

Shelley: You can have my Hulk Hogan vintage lunchbox...

Sabin: Already have 3 buddy...

Woods: What about an UpUpDownDown custom PS4 controller since you're like AJ when it comes to raging.

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