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Chris' party is a blur.

There's about 50 people crammed into the small townhouse, and if I wasn't so drunk off my ass, I probably would've been curled up in a ball somewhere having a panic attack. But my best friend, vodka, always helped me to avoid those feelings.

The inside of the house is enveloped in flashing blue light and littered with drunken teenagers, weird adults that Chris had met at the bar earlier, and empty beer bottles.

I'm sitting on the kitchen counter, passing a spliff back and forth between Anwar and Maxie, who are talking about Chris' erection.

"He's had an erection for 15 hours?" Maxie laughs in disbelief.

"He doesn't even know how many Viagras he popped," Anwar tells him between laughs. "He's holding it down with Sellotape."

"Sellotape?" I question.

Anwar takes the spliff from me and holds it in-between his fingers for a moment.

"Yeah, I don't know how, but he's Sellotaped it to his belly, or his balls... I don't know, Sellotaped it to something."

Just then, Chris walks into the kitchen and heads to the fridge. Anwar, Maxie, and I share secret smiles with each other as we see the tent in his pants.

"You all all right?" He asks us, grabbing a couple beers from the fridge.

We all nod.

"So it hasn't held then," Maxie notes.

"Must be the sweat."

When the spliff is out, Anwar decides to go look for a girl willing to shag him, and Maxie tags along as his wingman. I choose to not participate in their antics, and stay seated on the kitchen counter, taking a few swigs from my liquor.

"You look like you're having fun," a boy comments sarcastically from beside me. I hadn't noticed he was there, as he silently looks through the cabinet for a glass or something. He's cute, with red hair and freckles.

"Obviously," I joke. "I'm the life of the party."

He smiles with crooked teeth.

"I'm Aj," he tells me.

"That short for something? Aj?" I repeat his name, liking how it sounds.

"Arthur James," he says. "Not a huge fan of it, so I shortened it."

"I like it," I say with a drunken laugh. "Arthurrr."

He finds what he's looking for in one of the cabinets; a cup. He goes to the fridge and fills it with ice.

"Your name is?"

"Oh," I say, realizing I never told him. "I'm Freya."

"Cool," he says. "You go to Roundview too?"

"Yeah," I say. "Actually just started today."

Aj's about to say something, but a drunk Tony Stonem barges into the kitchen. He doesn't say anything, just goes to the fridge and grabs a beer. He cracks it open and takes a swig before he decides to address us.

"Mcguinness," he says with a playful smile, his eyes locked on me. "I've been looking for you."

"Well, you found me," I say back.


"Lucky me."

Tony and I stare at each other for what must have been an uncomfortably long amount of time, because Aj awkwardly clears his throat.

"Well, Freya, it was nice meeting ya. I'll see you around," he tells me.

"See ya, Arthur James," I call to him as he goes back to the living room, glass of ice in hand.

I don't realize Tony's next to me, leaning lazily against the counter, until I feel his beer breath on the side of my face.

"If you're trying to fuck him it's not gonna work," he tells me nonchalantly. "He's gay."


"I wasn't trying to fuck him... I'm not trying to fuck anyone."

Tony glances at me out of the side of his eye.

"What a shame," he mutters.

We sit in silence for a moment. Not knowing what to say, and feeling rather awkward, I start swinging my legs back and forth, knocking my feet into the counter under me and making a soft thud. I nod my head in rhythm to the sound. I feel Tony staring at me, but he doesn't say anything, and I can tell the sound annoys him, so I keep going.

Before I can even register what's happening, he's in front of me, placing his hands on my thighs and holding them still. The sudden contact of his hands on my bare skin makes me freeze, and it gets even worse when his thumb caresses the soft skin of my inner thigh.

"Stop," he says.

"Make m-"

"If you say make me, you know I will."

I felt trapped. My legs dangled on either side of him so he was in-between them. He moves his hands from me and spreads them on the counter, just outside my hips. For once, my face was level with his, and his crystal blue eyes felt like they could see right through me.

I wanted to kiss him. Right now.

His head tilted to the side and he moved closer, making his way to my lips, and I almost let him.


With a sudden intake of breath, I pull away before anything happened. This wasn't right, not with him. I couldn't do that to Michelle, and I couldn't to that to myself.

"I-uh, need to get up," I tell him quickly.

"Why?" He asks. He looks like he wants to try to kiss me again.

"My legs are falling asleep," I improvise. "I need to get up and stretch them."

"I can help with that," Tony whispers into my ear.

Okay. This is bad.

I nudge Tony back, giving me enough room to hop off the counter. I try to regain my balance and compose myself from what had just happened.

"I'm drunk Tony," I tell him, wanting to explain my behavior to him. "Drunk. Like, VERY drunk."


"Like I am soooo drunk. What just happened is so out of character for me because I am absolutely hammered. Got it?"

"Got it."

I run off, leaving Tony in the kitchen, and decide to hide from him until I'm sober enough to not make terrible decisions like the one that almost just happened.

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