twenty eight

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Sid messes with a lighter, while I kick rocks, while Tony smokes a cigarette and watches Sid with disgust in his eyes.

"Ow- Fuck!" Sid curses as he burns himself with the flame, dropping the lighter to his feet and sticking his burnt thumb in his mouth to soothe the pain. We'd been sitting under the overpass for nearly half an hour now, with no fucking idea what we were supposed to be doing, and the tension between Tony and Sid was definitely not helping the situation.

"All the help I've ever given you, and you've been fucking useless tonight," Tony complains to the boy before putting out his cigarette.

"I've been good," Sid retorts.

"You've been useless, you're always fucking useless," Tony tells him. I let out a groan that goes unnoticed by the both of them. All they'd done this whole rescue mission is fight, and I was sick of it. So instead of butting in, I decide I'll just let them at each other. 

"Take Michelle," Tony continues. "I worked so hard to create a shagging opportunity for you. Then you went pussy."

"No," Sid disagrees. 

"Instead, she ends up with this Josh guy, a fucking knob, who I have to sort, so that's your fault too."

"Sort?" Sid questions. "What did you do?"

"Put naked pictures of Abigail on his phone," he's quick to confess, laughing to himself as he does so. "Made sure Michelle could see them. Made sure everyone could see them. It was quite funny."

And just as I thought I couldn't hate Tony Stonem even more, boom

"Funny?" I laugh, but it lacks humor. "That's fucking sick. His sister! Why did you do that?"

Tony frowns at me. "Why not?"

I shake my head in disbelief. "You know how fucking violated Abigail must feel? Having you send naked pictures of her around to everyone? Because trust me when I tell you, it fucking sucks, Tony.  And you fucking suck."

I can't even look at him... Not after what he did. I don't even fucking like Abigail Stock, but no one deserves that.  

"You know what, Tony?" Sid finally says. "Sometimes I don't know why we're friends."

Tony contains a cool smile on his face, despite the obvious hatred emitting from Sid and I.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Tony agrees. "I'm from Mar's, you're from Venus. I do things, you worry about them. I sleep with girls, you persuade them to attempt suicide."

"Don't," Sid warns.

"You bunching your fists at me, Sidney?" Tony pushes. He stands to his feet in front of Sid, holding his arms out wide in surrender. "If you wanna hit me, go right ahead."

Thankfully, Sid does, or else I probably would have done it. Sid slaps Tony across the face, causing Tony's head to whip to the side from the contact.

"I said a punch, not a bitch slap!" Tony pushes him even more, resulting Sid to swing at him. Tony's quick to dodge Sid's punch, then delivers his fist into Sid's face, knocking him back on the hood of the car. My hand flies over my mouth, holding the gasp that leaves my lips.

"I can't believe you slapped me," Tony snickers in his face, holding him down against the car by the collar of his shirt. "That's hilarious!"

"Tony, fucking leave him alone!" I call.

"You better not be crying, Sid," Tony teases, ignoring me.

Sid wipes a stray tear falling down his cheek.

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