thirty eight

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have any of you ever seen my "mad fat diary?" it's on youtube for free and it is very good, reminds me of skins a bit. but anyway, liam was based off finn nelson from my "mad fat diary", and i imagine him to be played by the same actor :) but anyway, i posted a picture of him above


"You sure you're okay with that, Tony?"

It was the first words I'd spoken to him in a week. I was sat out by the green with Jal and Chris, talking before class while Chris smoked a spliff, when Tony came and sat down with us. He greeted all of us with a mumbled "hello," his attention focused solely on the spliff between Chris' fingers. He nodded towards it, saying that he wanted it, and Chris handed it to him with hesitation.

"It's fine," Tony says curtly, rearranging the spliff between his hands, trying to figure out how to hold it with the little control he had over his fingers. He attempts to hold it between his fingers, but accidentally burns his palm from the end of the stick. It drops to his lap as Tony curses in pain, and Chris is quick to grab the spliff before it can burn Tony's pants.

"Be easy, mate," Chris tells him, gently placing the spliff between his lips and taking a drag. A ridiculously long drag. My eyes go wide.

"God Chris, maybe you should take it easy," Jal tells him, watching as Chris blows a cloud of smoke from his mouth.

"Nah," Chris says, his eyes wide with excitement. "Angie's coming back today. Im a bit nervous."

"Have you kept in touch?" I ask him, shocked.

"No," he shrugs, taking another drag. "But I know she still loves me."

"The psychology teacher was just a fling," Jal groans.

"No it wasn't," Chris says, genuinely sounding offended. "Look: she needed her space. But now I really need her, naked and sleeping in my bed. Cos 4 months without sex... that ain't funny. I mean you probably wouldn't understand that, Jal... and Freya."

"Huh?" Jal and I both question at once.

"Well you both don't have sex at all," Chris informs us. "Jal's always got clarinet lessons... and Freya, you don't do anything, so I don't know what your problem is."

"Just because I haven't had sex doesn't mean I have a problem," I tell him, hugging my knees to my chest, suddenly feeling a bit insecure. "It just means I have standards, not wanting to hookup with scummy college boys like the ones at Roundview."

Chris tries to mimic my words as I speak, mocking my perspective on sex.

"Hey, I've done stuff-"

"Fapping doesn't count," Chris is quick to cut Jal off. "Because if it did, then I would've had sex 14 times in the past 2 days."

"14 times!" I gasp in disbelief. "You're a fapping addict!"

"I haven't had sex for... a long time," Tony finally speaks among us. I mentally breath a sign of relief. At least I know he hadn't done it with Abigail.

"Alright!" Chris is the first to speak. "So in summary, that means we all need some pussy action, yeah? And I shall be getting mine tonight with the lovely Angela- Yo! You alright, Sid?"

Chris calls to Sid, who hadn't changed clothes since I'd last seen him yesterday. He walks straight past us, hands in his pockets, staring straight ahead with a solemn look on his face. He doesn't even acknowledge us.

"You two stopped talking?" Jal asks Tony due to Sids odd behavior.

"He stopped coming around," Tony shrugs.

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