forty one

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this chapter might seem all over the place so im sorry for that but i think it's funny anyway

I arrived to Liam's apartment wearing 3 layers of shirts, and mom jeans held up by a belt that was extra tight around my waist. Maybe I was over reacting, but if shagging me was something that Liam planned on doing tonight like the boys claimed, I was taking extra precaution. The more layers, the better.

I stood outside his apartment door, placing the palms of my hands flat against my thighs, feeling them sticky with sweat. Not only was I terribly nervous, but the buildings AC didn't do a great job at keeping the place cool. I took a deep, long breath before knocking three times at the door.

Liam opened it in seconds. He looked me up and down, the ghost of a smile on his lips.

"Cold?" He asked.

He must've been talking about the big jacket I wore, designed specifically for the coldest of weather.

"Yeah," I lie, as I was sweating intensely under it.

"Well come in," he motions for me to enter his place. I take a cautious step inside.

Considering he shared the apartment with one of his mates from university, it was surprisingly clean, something I definitely was not expecting. I thought I'd walk into the smell of beer and body odor with dirty laundry and empty cans spewed about, but there was none of that. The apartment smelt slightly of lemon and cologne, and everything was tidy and had it's place.

"Wow," I give my natural reaction. "Tidy."

"Yeah," he manages a laugh, going over to the nearby couch and plopping down on it. "It's not always like this though. Tobin's mum came for a visit yesterday so we cleaned the place."

Tobin. That must be his roommate.

"Is Tobin here?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Oh, no," he tells me. "He went out drinking with some mates, so we've got the place to ourselves."

"Oh, great," I say through a weak smile that I hoped would go unnoticed.

Even though he had shut the door behind me minutes ago, I remain next to it, my clammy hands tucked in the pockets of my coat, as my teeth bit on the inside of my cheek.

"You can sit," he informs me, patting the cushion next to him on the couch. "Make yourself at home."

"Yeah!" I agree, trying to not sound like I was about to shit myself. "I will do that."

In a few fluid steps, I take a seat on the couch, my hip digging into the couch's armrest as I sat as far from him as possible. I crossed one of my ankles over the other. I could feel his gaze on the side of my face as I bit my cheek, staring at the beige wall straight ahead.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks me after a moment, and I see him quirk an eyebrow out of the corner of my eye. "You're acting a bit... strange."

"Strange? No, I'm good," I'm quick to tell him, but I can feel a bead of sweat drip down my face. "I'm just hot. Is it unnaturally hot in here to you?"

"Well, they've been doing repairs on the AC unit, so we've been without cold air for a few days," he begins, before reaching his hand out and tugging on the fluffy hood of my coat. "Or maybe it's because you're dressed like an Eskimo?"

I nod. That was definitely it.

I keep my distance as Liam picks up the remote sitting between us, and he rests his arm on his thigh as he flips through the televisions channels. I grab at the collar of my coat, stretching it off my neck, trying to get some air flow down there.

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