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The next morning, we all meet bright and early for our field trip to a slaughter house. Why we're going to a slaughter house, I had no idea. But I certainly wasn't looking forward to seeing animals get brutally murdered in front of me.

I sat next to Jal, who was practically falling asleep on my shoulder. She didn't get much sleep last night apparently, as Tony snuck over into her and Michelles room and the two practically kicked Jal out so they could shag. Jal ended up coming into my room around 2 in the morning as I was rooming by myself, but had trouble sleeping from how "bloody fuming" she was at Michelle and Tony. Her words, not mine.

Speaking of Michelle and Tony, they sat a few rows in front of Jal and I, being all lovey-dovey. It amazed me how easy it was for Tony to act like everything was normal. Despite having kissed me last night, he was whispering sweet nothings in her ear and devouring her mouth with his.

I had no right to be jealous. Tony wasn't mine, and from what I could tell, he wasn't even Michelles. Tony Stonem would never belong to anyone. But I couldn't help but feel green with envy as I watched Michelle snuggle into him. I tried my best to ignore that feeling, and focused on Tom, who was in front of the room and snapping to get all of our attention. 

"Okay, everyone. Listen up," Tom begins. "Theres been a few problems, yeah. But are we gonna let it get us down?"

No one responds, most probably still traumatized from the "shower" they had had this morning. It wasn't even a shower, just Rynkowfski making everyone strip down naked and spraying them with a power hose. I thankfully didn't partake in it as I had slept in, at the cost of not being able to experience the "real world" as Tom would put it.

"No..." Tom answers himself. "So, let the education begin."


After being mentally scarred by seeing a poor horse get murdered, we all returned back to our housing. Everyone headed back to their rooms, and I did the same thing to change into a more comfortable pair of clothing. After changing, I head to Jal and Michelles room as the had invited me earlier.

"So why are you with Tony?" I hear Jal ask Michelle as I open the door. The two are wearing robes, while rubbing themselves down with baby wipes to get clean. They both greet me as I enter, and I plop down on the bed next to Jal.

"Wash up if you want, Freya," Jal tells me, motioning to the case of wipes that sat on the table. "Unless you want to take one of Rynkowfski's showers."

That's all I need to hear before I grab the baby wipes.

"Because he's exciting," Michelle says, answering Jal's question from earlier. "And he must love me cos he could have anyone he wants."

"Do you think he ever wants anyone else?" Jal asks, but she sounds like she knows the answer.

Michelle seems to ponder before answering. 

"Maybe sometimes," she says. "But he always wants me the most, though. I'm his girlfriend and that's special, isn't it girls?"

Clearly not to him, I think to myself.

"I suppose so," Jal and I say in unison.

We all finish washing up with the baby wipes.

"Listen, Chelle, I need to talk to you about him," Jal says to her, seeming very serious. I had no idea what it was she could possibly say, and I suddenly felt very anxious. What if Jal knew that Tony and I kissed last night?

"Look, I know I annoy you, Jal," Michelle says to her best friend. "But I dont mean to."

Jal groans. "Can we just get out of here please? Just us three?"

"Sure," Michelle says before pulling the girl into a hug.

"I've been waiting for someone to suggest that," I say, and they both laugh as Jal grabs me by the wrist and pulls me into a group hug.


Jal, Michelle and I manage to sneak out of the housing and catch a ride to the nearby town. The three of us walk down the vacant streets with our arms interlocked, trying to keep warm, when Michelle breaks away to peep into the window of a local pub.

"Come on, this will do," she calls to Jal and I as she open the large wooden door. We all step inside, greeted by the sound of Russian music and absolutely no chatter. An older man sit's behind the bar, knocking back shots of liquor despite being on duty.

"This is awful," Jal mutters to us. "Lets go."

Michelle grabs her arm as she turns to leave. 

"No J. I've never left a bar without being chatted up in my life. Not about to break that record now."

Jal and I share a look with each other before following Michelle deeper into the pub, where she takes a seat at a table next to a closed window. Jal and I take seats on either side of her.

"There's nobody in here," I observe. "Besides the bar tender, of course."

"If you flaunt it, dear Freya, they will come," Michelle says, then proceeds to take her heavy coat off, revealing a sparkly tank top with a very low neckline. Jal and I do the same, though we don't look as seductive as Michelle in our family-friendly tops.

Just as Michelle predicted, two men in uniform see us from the other side of the window. Michelle gives them a flirty wave, and they came hurrying over to us, waving back.

"Unbelievable," Jal laughs.

"Flaunt it, J," Michelle laughs, before pulling the girls top down to reveal more cleavage. She does the same to me, as the men outside the window watch with smiles on their faces. Eventually, more men in uniforms show up, all outside the window staring at us, and Michelle motions for them to come in. They do just that, and Chelle, Jal and I all share a laugh as we wait for them.

Sooner than later we're all drunk off beer, surrounded by the men in uniform, and all singing to some Russian song. I had no idea what the words were, but I yelled them at the top of my lungs and I dance around with a Russian man.


Tom and Angie obviously weren't happy that Jal, Chelle and I snuck out and got drunk off our asses, but they let it slide as we pretty much were the reason no one was murdered back at our housing.

The men in uniform, who were actually policeman, were kind enough to give us a ride home. And when we pulled up in their police car, we heard a gunshot come from inside the building.

As it turns out, the big boobed and big chopper Russian girl that Anwar had been supposedly lying about was actually real, and after Anwar rescued her from her abusive father, or who he thought was her father, he brought her back here and they fucked. And when the girls "father" tracked her down, he wasn't too happy to find her with Anwar, as she was actually his wife. The man pulled a gun out at Anwar and threatened to kill everyone, until our night and shining Russian police officers ran in and detained him. 

The whole mishap though ended with us being forced to leave Russia the next morning, as the officers said that us English people were causing big problems.

But it was fun while it lasted.

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