thirty three

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"Chill out," he tells me, holding his hands up in surrender. "I just saw you wonder into the woods, and I followed you in to make sure you wouldn't get hurt."

I let out a spiteful laugh as I pace back and fourth in front of him.

"Since when did you care if I get hurt or not?" I sneer. "Because last time I checked, you were the one that hurt me most, Joel!"

I couldn't believe this was happening. I never thought I would run into him again, the boy who destroyed my life, but here I was, alone in the middle of the woods with him.

"That was never my intention, and you know that," he tells me under his breath.

I turn to him, glaring into his deep brown eyes. I walk towards him, then I do something I should've done a long time ago, but just never got the chance. I throw my hand back then drive it into his face, a searing pain going through my fist as it connects to his nose.

"Don't try and act fucking innocent!" I screech. "You took advantage of me when I was passed out drunk! You took pictures of me after you stripped me down naked! You let everyone fucking believe that we were hooking up behind Amy's back, and you were too fucking pussy to admit what actually happened, and let me take the blame for her fucking death!"

With each sentence I speak, I smack him upside the head. He's unlucky in dodging them, and I deliver at least 3 hard smacks to his cheek.

He grabs my wrists hard between his clutch, cursing as I keep trying to get at him. He stares down at me, breathing deeply, and blood drips from his swollen nose. I wondered if I broke his nose when I punched him, and I sure hoped I did. Even if it meant I possibly may have broken a knuckle, as my fist was already swollen and throbbing.

"No one believed me," I cry, frustrated tears rolling down my cheeks as I struggle to escape his grasp. "You let them believe I was in the wrong. And you didn't take any heat for what they thought, because you're a guy. But everyone called me a whore and a slut because I'm a girl, and you let my nudes be sent around the school."

I rip my hands away, wincing as my swollen knuckle slides out of his grasp. I place it softly in my other hand, cursing the pain and squeezing my eyes shut, damning the tears that fell.

"I'm sorry," is all he tells me, spitting out blood from his nose that had dripped into his mouth. "I just- I never got to tell you that."

"Sorry from you doesn't mean shit to me," I sneer. "Now, I'm gonna leave before I break my other hand on your face."

He lets me leave, thankfully without any protest. I storm through the woods, tripping over logs and blindly stumbling through groves of trees, trying to create as much distance between Joel and I while trying to find Tony in the process.

"Tony!" I cry, sniffing away tears. "Tony, please answer me-"

"Hello," a voice says softly, and I turn on my heel to find Tony, standing nonchalantly beside a tree.

"Oh, thank god," I sigh in relief. My feet carry me over to him, and I let myself embrace him in a hug. I wrap my arms firmly around his waist, pressing my face into his chest, and I squeezed him tight as I quietly cried into his shirt. Tony, unsure of what to do, just stands there stiffly. I just needed to hug him, I didn't care if he didn't hug me back. Tonight was just shit.

"What's the matter?" Tony asks after a moment.

"Do you remember Joel?" I sniff. "The guy I told you about a while ago."

"No," he tells me, and I can feel him shake his head. "I'm sorry... I don't remember lots of things."

"It's okay... I didn't expect you to anyway," I say, and I hug him tighter.


The next morning, I stop by Maxxies house. He said he had something that he needed to tell me about last night. I never could've guessed what he was about to say.

"Dale?" I question in disbelief. "The homophobe Dale that lives a few apartments down? You shagged him?"

He purses his lips together, and nods like he's proud of it.

"That's fucking insane," I exclaim. "Who would've thought."

Maxxie snickers, as Tony let's out a defeated groan, slamming his pencil on top of Maxxies desk.

"I need to be able to sign my name so I can register for college," Tony tells us.

Maxxie stands from his seat next to me on the bed, walking over to Tony and glancing over his shoulder, staring at the paper to see the progress he had made.

"College is more than signing your name, Tony," Maxxie says honestly.

"Then fucking help me!" Tony exclaims. "Or are you two gonna be a fucking complete fucking asshole like everyone fucking else I know."

Even though Tony's words are quite harsh, Maxxie and I give eachother secret smiles. That was the most emotion Tony had shown in the six months since the accident.

"There he is," I say proudly. I stand to my feet, walking over to the other side of Tony and looking down at his paper. It was all scribbles.

"Just relax," I tell him, grabbing his notebook and flipping the page to a new blank one. "You're trying too hard to write. It's just a shape your hand makes."

Tony picks up his pencil again, holding it as steady as he could over the paper.

"Close your eyes and just..."

"Dance it," Maxxie says, finding the word that I couldn't.

Tony nods before letting his eyes fall shut. He moves his hand slowly, concentrating on the movements his hand makes. And in sloppy letters, he writes Tony Stonem.

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