fifty three

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Chris died exactly a week ago from today, and I realize when I wake up early afternoon, that today is his funeral.. My head hurt a bit from all the alcohol I had drank last night. Michelle suggested we all go out in an attempt to take our minds off the tragedy. We all needed the distraction, especially poor Jal. We all lost a best friend, but she lost her love.

I forgot that I hadn't fallen asleep in my bed until I notice that I lie in Tony's room, and he's sleeping quietly beside me. I recall a bit of last night when Tony carried me back to his place because I was too drunk to go home and face my mum and Mini. I also remember sitting on the cold tile floor in the Stonem's bathroom, Tony holding my hair back as I puked into the toilet bowl.  I remember Sid coming back with us too. He locked himself out of his house.

"Oh, I'm loving that," speaking of Sid, I can hear him moaning, and I glance over Tony's sleeping figure to see Sid, talking in his sleep. He must have spent the night last night also.

"Oh yeah, Cassie," he continues. I can see his hand playing with his crotch underneath the blanket that the three of us shared.

"Mmm, yeah," he moaned again. "Little finger."

Tony stirs in his sleep before his eyes flutter open, his eyebrows frowning at the noise that comes from beside him.

"Sid?" I call to the boy whose pleasing himself in his sleep. Tony scoots closer to me in an attempt to get away from him.

"Sid?" Tony tries this time, but to no avail.

"Yeah, Cas... and your thumb." Sid's hand begins pumping his dick underneath the blanket.

"Sid?!" Tony and I yell to him in unison, and Tony slaps him on the cheek for good measure. Sid's eyes shoot open before they settle on Tony and I, who lie disgusted beside him in the bed.

"Tony. Freya," he greets us.

"Hi," Tony mutters, letting his head fall back down on the pillow we shared. My cheek pressed into his bare bicep because of how smushed together we were.

"How come I'm here?" Sid asks after a moment.

"You locked yourself out," Tony informs him of last nights events. "And we'd been drinking to get our minds off Chris."

"Did it work?"

"No," I answer Sid's question. "It didn't."

Sid nods to himself.

"Final question," He begins. "My hands being on my bollocks...?"

"That's just you, Sid," Tony tells him, annoyed.

It's silent for a moment before Tony says, "you should forget about her."

Her was Cassie. Chris had died in her arms, and after calling an ambulance, she did what she was best at: she ran. I had no idea where to. She wasn't returning my calls or anyone's for that matter. I could only pray she was okay though. What she witnessed happen to Chris was sure to traumatize her, and all I wanted was to give her a hug. But I couldn't.

"Who?" Sid asks, like he doesn't know.

"Cassie," Tony tells him. "She's gone. She's run away again. It's time to move on."

"Give her a break, Tony," I chime in, my voice tired.

"I've already moved on," Sid tries to convince us, unbeknownst to him that we had heard him say her name in his sleep. "I haven't thought about her for days."

"Alright," Tony humors him.

"I hear what your saying, Tone, but well, 1... I wasn't talking about her, B-today's about, A-Chris, and B-results, so that leaves no room for 3- Cassie, and D- it's none of your business."

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