forty two

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"I've been doing some courses... er, dog walking, Cordon Bleu barbecue, intermediate eroticism... and the rest of the time I just sewed."

Scarlett, Michelle's new step sister, sat with all of us on the college green, telling us a bit about herself. But the boys didn't seem to care much about what she had to say, due to the extremely low cut top she wore and the push up bra adorning her breasts. Anwar was drooling, and Sid's jaw was practically unhinged from how low it fell.

"I made, erm, this pair of shorts actually," Scarlett tells us all, pulling at the shorts she wore.

"They're a lovely pair," Chris speaks, only to her breast. He heard the word "pair" and her breast seemed to be the only pair he could think about.

"Really lovely," Anwar repeats.

"Lovely," Sid agrees.

Scarlett definitely knows all the boys are practically creaming their pants over her, or her breasts, that is, because she puffs her chest out and curls a piece of hair between her finger.

"Anyway," Jal clears her throat beside me, trying to change the subject off of Scarlett. "We still going camping?"

Jal asks Michelle, but Michelle seems too occupied with Sid staring down Scarlett's shirt.

"Sid?" Michelle calls to him. He jumps a bit, startled, as he looks to Michelle, his face blushed as he know he'd been caught ogling her step-sister.

"Jal wants us all to go camping," Michelle tells him, but he looks confused. "For my birthday?"

No one really responds, only a few mutters.

"It was only a suggestion," Jal defends herself, seeing that no one was really fond of the idea.

"I can't. I'm going to be- oh, hey Max!"

Anwar cuts himself off once he sees Maxxie approaching, giving an uneasy smile as Maxxie sits between him and Scarlett.

"You alright, mate?" Maxxie asks him, referring to Anwar's odd behavior. Anwar had been acting weird around Maxxie for a while now, and no one new why.

"Fine, fine!" Anwar emphasizes. "I'm really fine!"

"Okay," Maxxie frowns, definitely not convinced.

As Maxxie watches Anwar, I notice Scarlett staring at Maxxie, biting her lip with a sly smile, definitely checking him out. She was an absolute flirt, but unbeknownst to her, Maxxie was an absolute gay boy.

"Maxxie, this is Scarlett," I do Scarlett a favor, introducing her to Maxxie so she could relax and stop puffing out her chest. Maxxie turns to her, and even his eyes go straight to her breast, breathing out a soft "woah" at the sight of them. Even Maxxie had to acknowledge a good pair of breast when he sees one.

"What do you think about camping, Max?" Michelle asks to get his attention off her step-sister.

"Well, if you guys wanna do it, its their business. But personally, I like a more butch look."

The boys all let out a laugh, probably trying to keep up with Scarlett, who cackles like that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. I shift uncomfortably beside Jal.

"Thing is, erm, you know... coursework," Sid speaks bullshit. That excuse to get out of camping would have been believable, if it hadn't come from Sid, the boy who never does his coursework.

"Chris?" Michelle questions, though even she seems to know it's hopeless, asking him with a defeated look.

"Nipples," Chris says without thinking, his eyes glue to Scarlett's breasts before he says "what?"

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